How Self-Care and Creation Care Go Hand In Hand
Have you ever considered that caring for God’s creation actually extends to yourself? God designed us to be in harmony with the rest of creation, so if one thrives, the other would too!
What If I Can’t Find My Passion?
“Find your passion” sounds like dated advice, but every now and then we still go back to that, especially when we’re stumped on what we should do.
Let’s Have A Heart Check
For a world that’s so focused on getting results, it may not really matter what we think or how we feel about something; what matters is we get things done. But for us believers, we know that God sees our hearts—what’s on the inside matters just as much, if not more.
How to Say “I Love You, Mum” When You Don’t Say “I Love You”
For those of us who didn’t grow up in an affectionate family, uttering the words 'I love you, Mum’ can feel awkward, especially when we also have a lot of challenging moments with our mums.
Growing Pains / Growing Joys
We don’t have to feel burdened about spiritual growth when we remember that growth is given by God (1 Corinthians 3:6–7) and powered by the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22), and that our job is simply to journey with Him and follow His lead.
When Jesus Says “Become Like Children”
If there’s one topic that got people concerned as Jesus preached about the coming of the kingdom of heaven, the importance of becoming like children would make the list.
It must have been slightly bizarre because nobody ever pays that much attention to children… being children.
I’m a recovering perfectionist. Here’s what changed my mind.
When Jesus says, “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48), He isn’t expecting “perfect” the way we imagine it to be—never making any mistake and thus living in constant fear of failing.
Cracked and Found
Yes, it is foundational to our faith. Yes, it’s when sin and death are defeated. Yes, it leads to a new hope in Christ. These are absolutely wonderful, good news! But did you also know that…
How Can I Love God When I’m Feeling Weak?
How do you love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30) when you’re actually pretty weak?