Tag Archive for: salvation

Artspace: How can I be happy in heaven if my loved ones aren’t there?
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When we think about our loved ones who have yet to know Christ, many of us often feel the weight of an impossible burden in drawing them to Christ–we think that we’re solely responsible for leading them to Christ, and place unrealistic expectations on ourselves in our interactions with them, or the way we even love and think about them.

When a Friend Falls Away from Faith
My friend had lost his close friend months ago, and he's been angry with God ever since.
I tried to comfort him and steer him back to God. But he was in no state to listen.

I Was a “Good Christian Girl”, But I Felt Like a Fake
Growing up as a second-generation Christian, I was the epitome of a Good Christian Girl (GCG).
I mastered the GCG ritual at a tender age of eight, practising it religiously until it became routine. Read the Bible, pray every day, attend church every Sunday, ace the weekly memory verse—check, check, check.

When Doubt Led Me to Jesus
I was born in a non-Christian family that was devoutly following a different religion. When I was about to graduate from high school, questions started to form in my mind: “If I hadn't been born into this family, would I still have chosen to believe this?"

A Moment With Jesus on The Cross
“Jesus died for you” are words many of us are familiar with. We accept Him as our Saviour, we’re on fire for Him, and before long, we get into the rhythm of attending Bible studies and church, forgetting the reasons why we’re doing this in the first place.

The Year I Survived a Volcanic Eruption
I work as a teacher in a Christian school on the island of Tonga, where people are used to natural disasters. But nothing prepared us for what happened on January 15, 2022.

I Can’t Decide If I’m Ready for Jesus to Come Back
The last time I heard someone say he wasn’t ready for Jesus to come yet, it was my uncle, who had said that because he wanted to see my cousin get married first.
I’ll be honest, the same thought has also occurred to me.

After Three Suicide Attempts, God Gave Me Another Chance at Life
Some weeks ago, I wrote to this Christian publication to cancel my subscription. I had intended to end my life, and I was worried that their continued postages to my house would upset my mother.

Reaching Out to the Family Member Who’s Left the Faith
Do you think it’s easier to share Christ to someone in your own family or to a stranger?
I’ve encountered many Christians who find it difficult to talk to their family and relatives about Jesus; some would say that it feels easier to hand out gospel tracts to strangers.