
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Faith. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Faith.

Tag Archive for: faith

Artspace: Loving is Dying to Let The Other Live

“Find your passion” sounds like dated advice, but every now and then we still go back to that, especially when we’re stumped on what we should do.

Letter to a Depressed Christian

“Find your passion” sounds like dated advice, but every now and then we still go back to that, especially when we’re stumped on what we should do.
A girl looking at a pamphlet saying 'Find the "purpose' star'

What Is God Calling Me to Do?

“Find your passion” sounds like dated advice, but every now and then we still go back to that, especially when we’re stumped on what we should do.
A dad is quarrel with his daughter

God Used a Crisis to Strengthen My Faith

I was exposed to both Christianity and Buddhism as a child. I was 10 when I came to develop a relationship with God. But this was a fearful secret that I hid from my father for years.
Girl facing monster

Fighting My Fears: A Poem

When was the last time you felt crippled by fear? Was it a fear of failure? Fear of rejection? Fear of the future?
A man is counting his money and not sure how much should write in the book

How Do I Know How Much I Can Really Give?

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Thinking through this has helped me. If I find that I am giving with reluctance, I can confidently release myself from doing so. But if that’s the case, why give at all?

Artspace: Have You Taken God for Granted?

“Don’t take God for granted.” “Don’t think you can get away with sin just because salvation is yours to keep.” “Don’t test God’s patience.” Do you often have such thoughts and try to defend yourself?
A line of people getting ready to run

Just Keep Running

We may not see ourselves as the “sporty” sort, but we’re “athletes” in our faith race with a specific track that Jesus has set before us to finish.
A woman is sitting quietly in the church and reading bible while listening to the sermon

Embracing My New Season of Serving “Less”

When I settled into a new church and took on significantly fewer commitments, my husband summed up my new season with these reassuring words: “You can rest now, Sarah.”  But some days I still find myself unsettled, having given up more than I'd anticipated.