Joanna Hor

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Tag Archive for: Joanna Hor

girl thinking beside plant

How to Respond When a Friend Confesses Their Sin

It was 1:05 a.m. A friend had just sent me a long message, asking for prayer because she was struggling with physical attraction towards her colleague even though she was already in a committed relationship.
image of song joong ki in vincenzo drama

Vincenzo: A Sexy But Troubling Take on Justice

As much as I enjoyed Song Joong-ki's portrayal of the polished mafia consigliere, watching Vincenzo torture his enemies even as they pleaded for him to put a bullet through their heads and spare them of the excruciating pain and misery just didn’t sit right.

Raya and the Last Dragon: It Matters Who You Trust

I remember stepping out of the cinema with a warm and fuzzy feeling, in full agreement with the show’s themes of forgiveness, grace, and even teamwork (how Raya was eventually able to carry out her mission with the help of a group of companions, in contrast to the beginning when she was ploughing on as a lone wolf). However, as I thought some more about the film’s core message—trusting others will make this world a better place—I wondered if it was a tad too simplistic.

3 Reasons Why We’re Drawn to Bling Empire

Ever wondered what kind of life you might have if you’re filthy rich? Well, get ready to be dazzled as Netflix’s latest hit show, Bling Empire, shows us exactly what it'd look like. If you reckon you’re going to binge on this bling, it might be worth giving this show a bit of a think. Here are three reasons why (I think) we never tire of shows like Bling Empire.

3 Ways to Respond Rightly to Viral News

Living in a digital age means we all have been given access to information like never before, and will find ourselves surrounded by a culture that demands a response from us on issues that affect us—directly or indirectly. This got me thinking of the following: How should we engage with the news we come across? Is there a biblical response we as believers should adopt?

Dear Covid-19, I Wish We Never Met . . .

Dear Corona, You’ve been on my lips almost every day, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you for weeks now. I’ve even been stalking you online—seeing what you’ve been up to lately, following your every move. Clearly, you’ve captivated me like no other.

Coronavirus Outbreak: Would You Be Selfish or Selfless?

If you have been closely following the news about the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak, you would be familiar with the name Dr Li Wen Liang.
Woman with nonexistent family - being single in my 30s.

3 Things I’ve Learned As a Single in My 30s

Now that I’ve hit my 30s, the reality that I might remain single for the rest of my life, and that life would more or less remain status quo looms over me with each passing year. On a larger scale, this journey of singleness has taught me three important things about God’s provision and purpose for my life.

Dear #SongSongCouple: Why Has Your LoveSONG Ended?

Dear #songsong couple, It wasn’t too long ago that you announced your marriage to the world, after a whirlwind romance following the success of your 2016 monster hit Korean drama, “Descendants of the Sun” (DOTS)—where both of you played a sizzling onscreen couple.