Tag Archive for: hope
There Is Purpose to Our Waiting
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By the world’s definition, waiting is only a means to an end. The waiting itself is not enjoyable nor see important, but merely something to endure to reach our end goal.
Yet the Bible exhorts us to wait (e.g., Psalm 27:14), particularly for God Himself.
Looking at the Easter Story with Fresh Eyes
While I’m a massive fan of Christmas, there is something about Easter that, on a spiritual level, I actually prefer. Observing this series of days—from Ash Wednesday, all the way up to Holy Week—that incorporate a sequence of spiritual practices, I find it life-giving for my faith.
What It Looks Like to Grieve and Have Hope
Grief has remained consistent in my life over the last few years. In 2021, my husband and I miscarried our first baby, Haven; in 2022, we miscarried our second baby, Evie.
In the time since, I’ve been figuring out how to look at grief as a Christian.
To Those Hoping for Hope in the New Year
My son must have been two when it happened: We were in a store, me pregnant, him plopped on the cart while I quickly scanned the racks for what I needed. Since the store wasn’t busy, I decided to lift him out, just for a moment.
But in just that span of time, he was just. . . gone.
Trusting God When Things Are Falling Apart
There was a challenging season of my life when I felt like everything was not going well. I was led on by someone whom I thought was a potential life partner, and the cultural pressures to get married made me anxious. On top of that, my PhD proposals had been rejected multiple times.
Walking With a Friend Who’s Grieving a Divorce
Genevieve’s voice poured through the phone to me. She’s going through court proceedings following a horrific divorce.
I Entered a New Year in Tears, But God Held Me Fast
At the beginning of last year, I was facing anxiety on multiple fronts. While others were looking forward to the coming year with hope, I was starting mine with dread.
Are You Struggling? God Sees You
Today I’m writing for those of you who identify with Thomas more than Peter. Who tend to uncover more questions than answers in your faith.
After Three Suicide Attempts, God Gave Me Another Chance at Life
Some weeks ago, I wrote to this Christian publication to cancel my subscription. I had intended to end my life, and I was worried that their continued postages to my house would upset my mother.