Tag Archive for: sin

Why Do We Confess Our Sins to God, But Not to One Another?
An important aspect of our faith that isn’t often talked about is the confession of sin to community. Which is understandable when we don’t feel like we have a safe space and that we will be judged by others for our sins.

Artspace: Have You Taken God for Granted?
“Don’t take God for granted.”
“Don’t think you can get away with sin just because salvation is yours to keep.”
“Don’t test God’s patience.”
Do you often have such thoughts and try to defend yourself?

Winding Back Up in God’s Arms
True to our fallen human nature, we sometimes let our broken circumstances inform our relationship with God (If He loves me or cares about me, He wouldn’t let this happen!), and in those moments, we simply just want nothing to do with God.

Broken Like Me: Volunteering in a Prison Fellowship Ministry
“I am thankful I got caught because otherwise I would have just continued what I was doing.”
“Actually, we can be thankful that we have food and a roof over our heads.”
These are snippets of what inmates have shared with me in my short time volunteering with a prison fellowship ministry.

I’m a Woman and I’m Addicted to Porn
It took a long time before I recognised my addiction for what it was, and even longer before I could consider myself an addict.
I thought I was just someone who liked to read a lot.

Does God Tempt Us?
Sin is fun. There, I’ve said it. Sin is attractive and gratifying. Whether we like to admit it or not, this is why we turn to it. As American speaker and writer Rosaria Butterfield quipped, “If your sin doesn’t feel good, you’re doing it wrong.”

Fasting Netflix for Lent: A Journey of Tasting God’s Grace
It then hit me that there’s a word to describe my behaviour: ADDICTION!
Recognising this was definitely a wake-up call for me. From the outside, it still looked like I was functioning normally—I went to work, to church, and social gatherings. But although I was present physically, I had left my heart in Netflix . . .

The Rejected and the Redeemer
When we look at Jesus’ life, we see that he had many radical interactions with people who were marginalized—those who had fallen to the fringes of society because of sin, shame, judgment, or even physical defect and sickness.

3 Reasons Why Christianity Is Really Good
If I’m honest, the truth of Christianity has never been enough to get me excited about following Jesus. I can read a book that offers proof of the existence of God and still feel lost as to how that impacts my life today.