Cracked and Found

Yes, it is foundational to our faith.

Yes, it’s when sin and death are defeated.

Yes, it leads to a new hope in Christ.

These are absolutely wonderful, good news!

But did you also know that…

Even before creation, Easter has been on God’s heart and mind.

God didn’t only decide to give us Jesus when Adam and Eve sinned. He knew even before time existed that humanity needed Jesus (Revelation 13:8).

It wasn’t a last-ditch effort to save humanity, it was a meticulous plan to bring us to salvation and eternal life with God on our side.

Throughout Scripture, we see how God was gracious and gave us scenes and stories to connect the dots that culminated in Jesus’ death and resurrection.

He made sure to foreshadow what Jesus would come to do here on Earth through the biblical accounts we’ve come to know, because even though He knew humanity will fall, He made provision for us even before we existed.

Call them “easter eggs”, if you will.

Let’s take a journey to discover some of these signposts that pointed towards Jesus.

Let’s go.

See the thread that connects Isaac and Jesus together.

As Isaac obeyed Abraham, so did Jesus obey His Father. Isaac was silent just as Jesus was when faced with the possibility of a perplexing death.

Isaac pointed to Jesus because of their obedience unto death. Except Isaac did not die, but Jesus did as He perfectly came under the Father’s authority.

In one of the clearest symbolisms to Jesus’ atoning sacrifice, the two goats represented what God required for our sins to be pardoned.

The goat to be given over to the Lord as a sacrifice represented God’s righteous wrath towards sin that cannot be overlooked because He is just, and rightly demands to be satisfied.

The released scapegoat represented that upon the righteous wrath of God being satisfied, our sins are no longer held against us and are removed as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12).

Jesus is the ultimate and complete sacrifice that these two goats pointed to.

If the tabernacle housed the glory of the Lord in those days and gave the Israelites a foretaste of God dwelling amongst us, then, Jesus, who came down from Heaven to be with us, was always the tabernacle that God intended.

Immanuel, we call Him (Isaiah 7:14).

And even as Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God upon perfect completion of His work on earth (Hebrews 1:3), He gave us the Holy Spirit to indwell us.

Do you see the connection twice-over?

Jesus is the true tabernacle. God dwelling amongst and in us.

Which brings us back to our original question.

Easter is so magnificent because…

It is the pinnacle, the centrepiece, of all that God has planned for humanity even before creation itself.

Scripture is filled with countless stories, symbolisms, and types—”easter eggs”, if you will—pointing to Jesus.

All to say what has always been on God’s heart before the epochs of time:


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