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Tag Archive for: trials

A row of film picture is hanging on the rope

4 Ways We Can See God in Everyday Life

Being reminded of God’s presence moves us to turn our spiritual eyes heavenward, and to reflect on His steadfast love and faithfulness in our lives. So, how can we “better see” God in our everyday lives?
Man in darkness looking out at light

I Found Christ. Then Came the Darkest Season of My Life

It was like a scene in a movie. Picture the camera set across the street from a cafe, where two people walk out. They face each other briefly, then each turn back and start walking in the opposite direction. I remember the day vividly from that perspective, even though I was one of the two people walking away from each other.
Woman in free-fall position with broken glass underneath.

Trusting God When Things Are Falling Apart

There was a challenging season of my life when I felt like everything was not going well. I was led on by someone whom I thought was a potential life partner, and the cultural pressures to get married made me anxious. On top of that, my PhD proposals had been rejected multiple times.
Silhouette of man looking up with courage overlaid with prison.

Learning Courage in the Face of Suffering

This ANZAC Day, I reflect on a story that’s woven into my own family’s history. Like all families, we too carry history of personal stories and experiences of those harrowing times.
text message bubble

When God Isn’t Who You Thought He Was

Some years ago, my family went through quite an upheaval as we transitioned from one country to another. The transition unearthed in me something unsettling about my own understanding of who God is.
A woman is working as a chef

I Was a Chef, Until My Arm Stopped Working

It all began one day when my shoulder started hurting. At first I thought it was just a bad case of stiff neck, but it worsened to the point that I couldn’t turn my neck anymore.
Illustration of a guy lying in bed

I Met God in the Face of Cancer

I was working one day when I experienced a severe chest pain that would subside if I held my breath.
An illustration of a diary, coffee cup, handphone, pen and plant on a table

5 Signs God is at Work in Your Life | YMI

Whatever you may be going through, there’s no safer place to be than in the hands of God. He’s still working in your life, and He's holding the whole world—and yours—in His hands.
A girl is reading bible

How Jesus Restored My Joy While I Battled Suicidal Thoughts

I shouldn’t be here. If we lived in a world where Jesus Christ didn’t exist, I would be just another statistic among the world’s teenage suicides. A quiet sufferer who one day decided she had enough and ended it all.