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Tag Archive for: submission

Man sitting with woman who is about to blow her birthday candles.

Does God Care About What I Want?

I was trying to stomach a failure—yet another rejection in my writing career—and as I sat with my husband, I shared how God’s key message to me seemed to be this idea of making “no graven image” (Exodus 20:4). Meaning, I had to be careful to not remake God as “the God of my desires”.
A woman is reading bible with a doubtful face

What Reading a “Messed-Up” Book in the Bible Taught Me

Last summer, our campus fellowship organised a Bible quiz based on the book of Judges. I started to read it so I could learn the details for the trivia. Soon I was telling myself it was for good reason that this book wasn’t “popular”, as it seems quite messed up.
Parliament seats

What Does It Look Like to Submit to Government?

Many remain hesitant to talk about politics and other uncomfortable issues such as money and sex. But the tragedy is when most of us end up discussing these topics without a God-honouring biblical perspective.
Couple's lower halves standing across from one another in church

The Kind of Compromise We Need When Dating

"Is he worth wearing a skirt for?" That's the question a good friend left with me after I shared my doubts about the guy I was dating. 
laptop with an arrow pointing to north star

I’m a Woman and I’m Addicted to Porn

It took a long time before I recognised my addiction for what it was, and even longer before I could consider myself an addict. I thought I was just someone who liked to read a lot.
Woman sitting down with her head in her hands upset

When I Argued with My Husband About Money

In February, my husband had a seizure due to stress. He had not been coping well with all the changes at work and ended up leaving his job in March. Since then, he has been searching for a job, but with the pandemic, the job market has been bleak. And so, I thought we would need to be more prudent with our expenses while we live on my income. But he was not willing to compromise on a significant expense—to let go of the helper who had joined us for just a couple of months. It frustrated me that he refused to listen to my explanation and proposals.

A Quick Summary Of James 3:17-4:12

This week, we are reminded to pursue God and not the world. How…
Girl with hand across her face covering

Is God Leading You into a Season of Pruning?

Since my home church in Mexico sent me out for missions in East Asia almost five years ago, I had been living by a mindset that it’s my responsibility to be productive in whatever ministry God leads me to. However, in the past year, I haven’t felt as busy or “productive” the way I have in other locations I’ve lived in. The extra downtime has prompted me to reflect on the years I’ve spent on this side of the world, which made me realise that I’ve been feeling weary for quite some time.

It’s Time to Submit to God

I remember scribbling on my Bible as a kid. I would highlight verses and commandments that I liked, those that I thought were softer on the ears and easier to obey.