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Tag Archive for: artspace

Mom and child baking together

When Jesus Says “Become Like Children”

If there’s one topic that got people concerned as Jesus preached about the coming of the kingdom of heaven, the importance of becoming like children would make the list. It must have been slightly bizarre because nobody ever pays that much attention to children… being children.
Person making sure a sign is perfectly straight

I’m a recovering perfectionist. Here’s what changed my mind.

When Jesus says, “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48), He isn’t expecting “perfect” the way we imagine it to be—never making any mistake and thus living in constant fear of failing.
Woman slumped on table

How Can I Love God When I’m Feeling Weak?

How do you love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30) when you’re actually pretty weak?
A woman is lying in her bed and thinking

Artspace: How can I be happy in heaven if my loved ones aren’t there?

When we think about our loved ones who have yet to know Christ, many of us often feel the weight of an impossible burden in drawing them to Christ–we think that we’re solely responsible for leading them to Christ, and place unrealistic expectations on ourselves in our interactions with them, or the way we even love and think about them. 

Beyond Meet-Cutes: The Off-Screen Realities of Dating

In movies, relationships often begin with a “meet-cute” — a serendipitous encounter — that ignites a “spark,” blossoms into a fiery romance, and ends with a happy ever after. They seem to make the point that relationships, done right, should feel thrilling and effortless at the same time.

Turn Small Talk into Meaningful Conversations

We know how hard it is to go beyond small talk–or even to know what we should be asking to move the conversation beyond those same few questions about our lives.

It’s Time to Rethink the Way We Measure Our Worth

we possess, how valuable our opinions are to others, or the level of our self-esteem?
Girl facing monster

Fighting My Fears: A Poem

When was the last time you felt crippled by fear? Was it a fear of failure? Fear of rejection? Fear of the future?

Artspace: Why Do I Always Think I’m Not Good Enough?

Self-doubt seems to be the norm for many of us these days, and while we all have insecurities, sometimes we can let them get to us, to the point that we’re constantly fretting about not being good enough.