Editor’s Picks

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Editor’s Picks. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Editor’s Picks.

Editor’s Picks: Best of Mental Health and the Gospel

Mental Health. Mostly, the threats come in ways you can’t see. But the claws of mental health struggles become very, very tangible as they seep into our lives and affect how we’re able to cope, live, and work. Sometimes it’s a challenge for Christians to talk about this. Afterall, doesn’t Jesus make us whole?

Editor’s Picks: Best of “Why Do I Think?”

As we’ve spent the last three months looking at what it looks like to love God with all of our minds—we’ve been asking the question, “Why do I Think?”.

Editor’s Picks: Best of the Conversation About Suicide

Suicide is one of the toughest topics to talk about. It can be tempting to sweep the "S word" under the carpet, skirting around the issue. But what if we fostered a Christ-centered dialogue around suicide instead?

Editor’s Picks: Best of What Makes You Beautiful

Try as we might to stop it, modern society’s ever-changing standards of beauty seem to constantly creep into our thinking and impression of our self-worth. But God, as our creator, designed each of us exactly the way that we are, with great intention. What do we do when we struggle to like how He’s made us?

Editor’s Picks: Best Articles on Apologetics

All of us have grappled with doubts and questions about God. Here are our top articles on Apologetics, exploring some of the biggest and most common questions we all have about Christianity.

Editor’s Picks: Best of “Why Do I Worship?”

We focused the last quarter on loving God with all of our soul. We asked our contributors. . .why do you worship?

Editor’s Picks: Best of “Why Do I Feel?”

As we started the new year, we embraced Luke 10:27 as our anchoring verse, and spent the first three months digging into what it looks like to love God with all of our hearts. We were blown away by the generous contributions from our global volunteer contributors, and wanted to share with you a few of our best articles—ones that have already encouraged thousands, that we hope can encourage you too!

Editor’s Picks: Best of Love, Sex and Relationships

Sexual sins. We all grapple with them. But what if we recognized that some of the power these sins hold over us, comes from the very fact that we don’t want to admit them? What if we refused to let sexual sins hide any longer behind closed doors?

Editor’s Picks: The Best of 2018

2018 has been a fulfilling year for us at YMI. We launched our very first online devotional, published over 560 articles, produced 39 artspace projects and 7 videos to help you ask the whys and walk out your purpose.