Entries by YMI

ODB: Show And Tell

June 2, 2013 

READ: John 13:5-17 

I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. —John 13:15 

If you take a course on writing or attend a writer’s conference, you’ll likely hear the phrase, “Show, don’t tell.” In other words, “show” your readers what is happening, don’t just tell them. Don’t tell readers what you did; describe doing it.

One of the reasons we tend to tell rather than show is that it’s easier and faster. Showing how to do something requires time and effort. In teaching, it’s easier to tell students what’s wrong with what they did than to show them how to do it right. The latter, however, is more effective.

For thousands of years, the Jewish people had only the law telling them what to do and what not to do. But then came Jesus Christ, who showed them how to live the life God had been telling them about all along. Jesus didn’t just say, “Be humble”; He “humbled Himself” (Phil. 2:8). He didn’t just say, “Forgive others”; He forgave us (Col. 3:13). He didn’t just say, “Love God and your neighbors”; He demonstrated love by His actions (John 15:12).

Christ’s perfect example of love shows how great God’s love is for us and how we are to show His love to others.

— Julie Ackerman Link

Bless the Lord for love victorious,
Love that conquered on the tree;
For His grace so great and glorious
Flowing out from Calvary. —Peterson

Love is God’s will in action. 

ODJ: five words

June 2, 2013 

READ: Joshua 22:1-9 

Love the Lord your God, walk in all His ways, obey His commands, hold firmly to Him and serve Him with all your heart and all your soul (v.5).

A 2012 survey of people aged 18 to 24 uncovered an interesting trend. The study, led by the PublicReligion Research Institute, revealed that one in four young adults chose “unaffiliated” for their religious commitment. But 55 percent of that group had “identified with a religious group” when they were younger. They had simply walked away from the faith they once embraced.

Sadly, many believers in Jesus turn away from their “first love” (Revelation 2:4 NKJV). Knowing that the people of ancient Israel were prone to wander away from God, Joshua called together the “eastern tribes” to commend them and give them counsel. He commended them for faithfully following God’s commands as they helped to clear Canaan (Joshua 22:2-3). The Promised Land had been claimed and was now prepared for God’s people.

But as he sent the three tribes (Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh) back to their homes on the east side of the Jordan (v.4), Joshua also had some instructions for them (v.5):

• “Love”—To maintain their relationship with God, they needed to love Him deeply.

• “Walk”—To stay in step with God, they needed to follow His ways completely.

• “Obey”—To honour God, they needed to obey His commands unceasingly.

• “Hold”—To stay strong in their faith, they needed to hold firmly to God uniquely.

• “Serve”—To live out their faith, they needed to serve God sincerely.

To make sure you don’t begin moving away from God—slipping from unashamed believer (Romans 1:16) to unaffiliated non-believer—consider the five words Joshua spoke to the people. As we love, walk, obey, hold and serve in our relationship with God, our hearts will stay rooted in Him (Joshua 22:5).—Tom Felten

› Daniel 6:1-28

Read Joshua 1:6-9 and see what God told Joshua at the onset of Israel’s claiming of the Promised Land. 
How is your love for God being tested? Which of Joshua’s five words do you most need to consider today in your relationship with God? Why? 

(Check out Our Daily Journey website!)

ODB: I’m Bored

June 1, 2013 

READ: John 10:7-14 

I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. —John 10:10 

When our kids were teens, we repeatedly had the following discussion after their church youth group meeting: I asked, “How was youth group tonight?” And they responded, “It was boring.” After several weeks of this, I decided to find out for myself. I slipped into the gym where their meeting was held, and I watched. I saw them participating, laughing, listening—having a great time. That night on the way home I asked about their evening and, once again, they said, “It was boring.” I responded, “I was there. I watched. You had a great time!” They responded, “Maybe it wasn’t as bad as usual.”

I recognized that behind their reluctance to admit they were enjoying youth group were things such as peer pressure and a fear of not appearing “cool.” But then I wondered, Am I similarly afraid to get too excited about spiritual things?

Indeed, there is nothing in this universe more worthy of our enthusiasm than who Christ is and what He did for us. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). That’s the opposite of boring! At any age, we have a gift from the Savior that is worth celebrating. Our salvation is something to get excited about!

— Bill Crowder

Father, please fill my heart with the joy of Christ.
I desire that the abundant life I have found
in Him might contagiously reach
out to others around me.

If you know Christ, you always have a reason to celebrate. 

ODJ: hiding the flame

June 1, 2013 

READ: John 3:19-21 

You light a lamp forme. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness (Psalm 18:28).

The London 2012 Olympic Cauldron was magnificent. Designed by Thomas Heatherwick, the spectacular sculpture was built out of 204 copper petals representing the number of competing countries. Despite its beauty, the cauldron elicited scorn from some visitors of the Games who couldn’t view it.

Heatherwick explained that he wanted to achieve the intimacy of the 1948 Games with the cauldron set within the stadium to one side near the spectators. He knew that only ticket holders to the opening ceremonies or athletics events in the Olympic Stadium could view it in person. But he also knew that spectators in the Olympic Park could see it on various video screens, and fans around the world could witness it via TV and the Internet.

I’m a bit surprised that the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) approved Heatherwick’s plan. It was definitely an innovative approach, but the cauldron couldn’t be easily seen by many people in London.

Fortunately, by God’s grace and mercy, no person, law or object can hide or dictate the light of Christ—“God’s light came into the world” (John 3:19). “I am the light of the world,” Jesus proclaimed. “If you follow Me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life” (8:12).

Unconfined to a cauldron, the light of Jesus reveals God to the nations (Luke 2:32; John 3:21) and gives us the ability to see His face, His truth, His heart (Luke 1:79). “For God, who said, ‘Let there be light in the darkness,’ has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6, emphasis added).

Thank you, God, for making “the light by which we see” free and accessible to all (Psalm 36:9).—Roxanne Robbins

Read 2 Corinthians 4:7 and consider what it says about God’s light: “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.” 
How do we sometimes hide God’s light in our lives? Why is it true that God’s light will never be extinguished? 

(Check out Our Daily Journey website!)

ODB: Fickle Followers

May 31, 2013 

READ: John 12:12-19; 19:14-16 

Behold, your King is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt. —John 12:15 

How quickly public opinion can change! When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the Passover feast, He was welcomed by crowds cheering to have Him made king (John 12:13). But by the end of the week, the crowds were demanding that He be crucified (19:15).

I recognize myself in those fickle crowds. I love cheering for a team that’s winning, but my interest wanes when they start losing. I love being part of a movement that is new and exciting, but when the energy moves to a new part of town, I’m ready to move on. I love following Jesus when He is doing the impossible, but I slink away when He expects me to do something difficult. It’s exciting to follow Jesus when I can do it as part of the “in” crowd. It’s easy to trust Him when He outsmarts the smart people and outmaneuvers the people in power (see Matt. 12:10; 22:15-46). But when He begins to talk about suffering and sacrifice and death, I hesitate.

I like to think that I would have followed Jesus all the way to the cross—but I have my doubts. After all, if I don’t speak up for Him in places where it’s safe, what makes me think I would do so in a crowd of His opponents?

How thankful I am that Jesus died for fickle followers so that we can become devoted followers.

— Julie Ackerman Link

For Further Thought
Read these Bible verses and ponder Jesus’ love for you
(Rom. 5:8; Rom. 8:37-39; Heb. 13:5-6,8; 1 John 3:1).
Allow your devotion to Him to grow.

Christ deserves full-time followers. 

ODJ: one before the other

May 31, 2013 

READ: Exodus 3:1-15 

Who am I? (v.11).

The question I felt needed to be answered affirmatively before I married Miska was this: Can I live without her? My intentions were romantic and chivalrous, but my focus was dead wrong. I discovered that there was probably nobody that I literally could not live without. In time I found the better question to ask myself: Do I want to live without Miska?

Moses discovered that finding the right answers required asking the right questions. He had run far from home, and 40 years later he’d lost his identity. God found Moses in the desert and spoke to him out of a burning bush. He spoke of Moses’ history and of Israel under Egypt’s iron hand. “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt,” He said (Exodus 3:7). God had not forgotten Israel, and He had not forgotten Moses. God told Moses that He had chosen him to return to Egypt, confront Pharaoh’s empire and lead Israel out of bondage.

Incredulous and afraid, Moses answered with a barrage of words protesting: “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people?” (v.11). Who am I? Moses asked. It was an honest query; but whatever the answer, he was sure he was not the one to do what God had asked of him.

Rather than answer Moses directly, God responded, “I will be with you” (v.12). Then God gave His name: “I Am Who I Am”, a mysterious name declaring that God is always God—eternity past to eternity future (v.14). Wherever humans go, God always precedes.

Before Moses could know who he was, he needed to know who God was. Only then could Moses discover his own identity and the courage he needed.—Winn Collier

What do these verses tell you about God’s character? (1 Chronicles 29:11-13; Psalm 36:5-7; Romans 1:18-20). Why is it essential to know God’s identity before we discover our own?
How do you answer the question Who am I? How can you put yourself in a posture to hear who God is, so that you can know who you are?

(Check out Our Daily Journey website!)

ODB: The Tragic Flaw

May 30, 2013 

READ: 2 Chronicles 26:3-15 

His fame spread far and wide, for he was marvelously helped till he became strong. —2 Chronicles 26:15 

In literature, a tragic flaw is a character trait that causes the downfall of a story’s hero. That was true of Uzziah, who was crowned king of Judah at age 16. For many years, he sought the Lord; and while he did, God gave him great success (2 Chron. 26:4-5). But things changed when “his fame spread far and wide, for he was marvelously helped till he became strong. But when he was strong his heart was lifted up, to his destruction” (vv.15-16).

Uzziah entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar (v.16), openly defying God’s decree. Perhaps pride convinced him that God’s rules applied to everyone except him. When Uzziah raged against the priests who told him this was not right, the Lord struck him with leprosy (vv.18-20).

In literature and in life, how often we see a person of good reputation fall from honor into disgrace and suffering. “King Uzziah was a leper until the day of his death. He dwelt in an isolated house, . . . cut off from the house of the Lord” (v.21).

The only way we can prevent the nectar of praise from becoming the poison of pride is by following the Lord with a humble heart.

— David C. McCasland

Humility’s a slippery prize
That seldom can be won;
We’re only humble in God’s eyes
When serving like His Son. —Gustafson

The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but man is tested by the praise he receives. —Proverbs 27:21 NIV 

ODJ: mirror, mirror

May 30, 2013 

READ: Psalm 139:13-18 

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvellous—how well I know it (v.14).

When it comes to physical appearance, we’re constantly bombarded with advice. And truth be told, the suggestions found on magazine covers, in TV commercials and voiced by shop assistants—among other sources—bother me. They’re all trying to nudge me to pursue that perfect look.

One blogger wrote: “For many young men and women, our physical appearance has become the measuring stick against which our entire value and worth are assessed by. But let’s get real: as detrimental as this value system can be, it’s really hard to just ‘walk away’ from that measuring stick when everything around you is pointing you in that direction.” 

James reminds us of an important mirror that gives us a true view of ourselves. It’s the Word of God (1:23). In Psalm 139:14, the psalmist reminds us that we’re part of God’s marvellous workmanship. Just think about that! The One who made you and me is the wisest, most skillful and most creative Person in the entire universe! So no matter what size, weight or shape we are, God sees us as His creation. Beautiful. Created in His image (Genesis 1:26-27). 

Regina Franklin in her book Who Calls Me Beautiful? wrote, “The moment we were created we became God’s most precious and coveted work of art—chosen, guarded, and loved. . . . We are ‘fearfully and wonderfully’ made because we have access to one of the greatest intimacies humans can know—a personal relationship with God.”

So while it’s great to ‘look good’, let’s not pursue it at the cost of our relationship with God. An hour in the gym and an hour in the front of the mirror but zero hours with God will not lead to true beauty.—Poh Fang Chia

Read 1 Samuel 16:7, Proverbs 31:30, and 1 Peter 3:3-4 for biblical wisdom that should shape our attitude about outward appearance.
How does the knowledge that you are God’s marvellous creation affect your decision on diet, fashion, exercise, beauty products and more? What does He consider to be true beauty?

(Check out Our Daily Journey website!)

ODB: Peace, Be Still

May 29, 2013 

READ: Mark 4:35-41 

He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” —Mark 4:39 

My friend Elouise has a wonderful way of putting life into clever perspectives. Once when I asked her, “How are you today?” I expected the usual “fine” response. Instead, she said, “I’ve got to wake Him up!” When I asked what she meant, she kiddingly exclaimed, “Don’t you know your Bible?!” Then she explained: “When the disciples faced trouble, they ran to wake up Jesus. I’m going to run to Him too!”

What do we do when we are stuck in a troubling situation with nowhere to run? Maybe, like the disciples who were stuck in a life-threatening storm, we run to Jesus (Mark 4:35-41). Sometimes, however, we may try to bail ourselves out of trouble by seeking revenge, slandering the one who has caused our problem, or just cowering fearfully in the corner as we sink into despair.

We need to learn from the disciples who fled to Jesus as their only hope. He may not bail us out immediately, but remembering that He is in our boat makes a difference! Thankfully, He is always with us in the storms of life, saying things like “Peace, be still!” (v.39). So, look for Him in your storm and let Him fill you with the peace that comes from knowing He is near.

— Joe Stowell

Lord, teach us to run to You in the midst of trouble.
Forgive us for trying to bail ourselves out, and lead
us to the peace of trusting Your wisdom and ultimate
deliverance. Thank You that You will help us!

Make Jesus your first option
when the storms of life threaten you.