
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Loneliness. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Loneliness.

Tag Archive for: loneliness

To the One Who Feels Lonely

Do you ever imagine what it’s like, having people who care about you? Wouldn’t it just brighten up your day, knowing that there are people eagerly waiting to greet you when you get to school or work? I wish that were the case for me too.
Woman sitting in bed sad and alone - is loneliness a sin

Is Loneliness a Sin?

I could understand what the children’s pastor was saying: anything that distracts us from God, causing us to doubt and seek comfort elsewhere, is sinful.  But is the feeling of loneliness sinful or just what we do with our loneliness? And if it’s not good for man or woman to be alone, is it a sin if he or she is?

4 Lies to Combat When You Feel Lonely

Loneliness can drag on over days and weeks, and easily lead to discouragement and dejection. During this time, the lies we’re tempted to believe about our loneliness can be especially crippling, oftentimes preventing us from reaching out and forming the connections we so deeply desire. Here are some lies we can watch out for:

What It’s Like Struggling with Same-Sex Attraction as a Christian

I profess faith in God, and I believe in the resurrected Christ and His redemptive power that can save us from our sins. I believe in grace that is freely given and salvation received only through faith. I am also same-sex attracted (SSA), and I want to share my experience in the hope that it may help Christians understand other believers like myself a little better.
Girl fifth wheeling - to the girl without a boyfriend

To the Girl Without A Boyfriend

To my 25-year-old self, It’s now been three years since you questioned why God wouldn’t give you a boyfriend. Believe it or not, I’m now the girl you envy: the one with the boyfriend.

4 Truths to Light Up Your Darkest Moments

I began graduate school for counseling excited for a wonderful new life season. I’m glad I didn’t know what was actually coming. That winter, I became very sick with an illness that doctors couldn’t diagnose. While battling flu-like symptoms and intense dizziness, I ached for my old friends and family who were states away.

Editor’s Picks: Best of Reflections on Singleness

“Are you sure you're not being too choosy?” “Why are you still single, what’s wrong with you?” “You’re not getting any younger!” Fending off comments from well-meaning friends and relatives on your single status can be a tiring affair.
Woman walking with an umbrella in the snow

What It’s Like to Spend Christmas Alone

My earliest memories of Christmas were a mixture of joy and sadness. I grew up  in Melbourne, Australia, where celebrating Christmas meant wearing bathing suits, eating barbeque shrimp and steak, spending the day around the backyard pool, and of course, the excitement of opening presents!

My Loneliness Drew Me Closer to Christ

My entire life has been about being mediocre. Coming from a family of high achievers, my achievements have always paled in comparison. And as an introverted middle child in a rather huge family, I have always struggled to voice out my feelings or opinions. Being invisible is what best describes me.