Tag Archive for: loneliness

3 Ways God Used Loneliness to Nourish My Faith
Native to the Himalayan mountains, the blue poppy is regarded by some as “the holy grail” of flowers because of its beauty and rarity, and it is notorious for its precise and demanding conditions for growth.
A unique bloom that can only be found in a few places with the right environment, the blue poppy cuts a lonely figure in its uncommon loveliness.
Like the blue poppy, there is a beauty in loneliness if we know where to look.

How the City Lights Flicker
Thousands and thousands of people walk by each other going about their business under the flickering of the city lights. The bustling city stands as a representation of the pinnacle of human cooperation and extensive networking, ripe for meaningful connections and greater fulfilment.

Artspace: To the Girl Without A Boyfriend
When the single heart longs for someone to love and date, waiting for God to bring the right person into our lives can seem like an impossible task. Because, oh, imagine what joy it is to have someone we can talk to, and share our deepest secrets with, for a hand to hold and a shoulder to lean on.

When Everyone But You Seems to Be Getting Attached
“Did you hear… X and Y got together yesterday!”
“Huh? Since when were they together?”
I noticed lately that this sort of exchange has replaced the “Hello, how are you?” between my friends and me.

Love on the Way Home
Valentine’s Day can magnify our feelings of loneliness.
We think having a “significant other” in our lives is the ticket to easing the pangs of loneliness, but that isn’t true. We can be dating and married, and still feel lonely.

What Helped Me Navigate Singlehood in My Twenties
I was single for most of my twenties, which I didn’t really mind at first. But when our peers started to get married one by one, my “single” status began to stick out like a sore thumb.

Married—But I’m Still Lonely
Even though my husband was literally just a few feet away on the couch (clear proof that I wasn’t alone), it made little difference at that moment. I was longing for the kind of soul-nourishing intimacy that comes with female friendships—the willingness to listen and talk at length, the gentle tone, the comforting hug or touch on the shoulder, and most of all, hearing them say, “I know what you mean” or “Yeah, me too!”

How God Met Me Where I Was—Single and Feeling Left Behind
I have been longing for a partner for as long as I can remember. However, my plans of getting married young did not happen. And now that I’m in my 30s—and still single—there are days when I feel incredibly lonely.

One and Whole: How I Learned to Love Being Single
One evening, as an introductory question to our Bible study session, our happily married leader asked the singles in our group to share why we were still single.