
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under artspace. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: artspace.

Tag Archive for: artspace

Are You In Sync With Technology?

Debunking common misconceptions within the church and perceptions of Christianity. This topic tugs on my heartstrings as I thought and believed all of these only four years ago before I became a Christian. These misconceptions get tossed around so easily in society. I hope that as you look through my project it allows you to understand what CHRISTianity is all about. (1) Are-you-in-sync-with-technology Ever gone on a date without your phone? The conversation might turn out a lot different. Has technology replaced precious F2F interaction? (2)-Are-you-in-sync-with-technology When’s the last time you skyped or facetimed a friend or loved one? Isn’t it fascinating how close they seem even though you’re 10,000 miles apart? Has technology helped you keep up with each other’s lives? (3)-Are-you-in-sync-with-technology Don’t feel like stepping out of the house? Call a delivery service and tadah - food at your doorstep! Has technology made things more convenient or made us lazy? (4)-Are-you-in-sync-with-technology What’s the first thing you do when you get home from school / work? Slouch in the couch? Before you know it, an hour has disappeared . . .

ENTERTAINMENT | Themed Contribution

Our God is an amazing Creator. He made our universe -: the things we see every day, the parts we hope to visit, and the areas yet undiscovered...

In Data We Trust

In this series of works, I explore the idea of identity and self in terms of data. As a photographer, photos are a part of me and they document my life. This work is a manifestation of my personal experience. Data loss is a nightmare to artists as our works would be lost.

Misconceptions Of The Church

Debunking common misconceptions within the church and perceptions of Christianity. This topic tugs on my heartstrings as I thought and believed all of these only four years ago before I became a Christian. These misconceptions get tossed around so easily in society. I hope that as you look through my project it allows you to understand what CHRISTianity is all about.

Like A Root Out Of Dry Ground

Title: Like a root out of dry ground Materials: Mixed Media Description: We…

What If There Was No Church?

What if the building we called church were to be torn down by the authorities or destroyed by nature? What if there were no more “church” organizations? What if there were no more leaders to organized regular services or no preachers who wanted to teach? What would you do?


I saw the #30DaysofBibleLettering challenge on my Instagram feed. It had been a while since I lettered and painted on a daily basis, and I was itching to get back to the routine of creating and having an outlet to reflect and relax. Also, the challenge started after Easter, and it was around Easter that I was convicted to cherish the Word more and share more vulnerably about what God has been doing in my life.

CHURCH | Themed Contribution

Fellowship is a scary thing. Being real and vulnerable with someone, not filtering yourself for fear of what they might think of the real you, is terrifying. But that's what God calls us to do as part of His church. He says to all of us, "You. I choose YOU to be a part of Christ's body. Yep. That's not a mistake. You with all your brokenness and pride and shame - I choose you."

What’s Your Spiritual Style?

We all serve and worship the same God, but have you noticed how we each relate to God differently? God has made us all unique, enabling us to relate or draw closer to Him in specific ways. Which of these 9 spiritual styles do you identify with? Let’s embrace the uniqueness God has given to each one of us and support our fellow brothers and sisters as they relate to Him.