Tag Archive for: spending time with God
God, You’re Not Enough for Me
For a time in my life, I knew very clearly that God was not good enough for me. In fact, I told God I’d much prefer a husband than Him.
5 Ways to Rekindle Joy in Our Time with God
If you find yourself needing to break out of boredom and rekindle the joy of spending time with God, here are some ideas to try or revisit
What If I Find My Hobbies More Fun Than the “Christian Things”?
When spending time with God feels like a chore (like having to finish your homework before you can play/watch TV)—could it be because we’ve separated God’s joys from ours, and we think that He only wants us to do the serious, “Christian” stuff all the time?
The Christian Life Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
My church starts every year with a prayer and fasting event, which become an anticipated event for many of us. As we ask each other what we’re praying for, one request I often hear is deeper intimacy with God.
Ideas For When You’re Spiritually Distracted
You’ve probably been there, like I have. You settle in for some time with God, but your brain feels more like a pinball machine.
All There: 5 Tips on Being Fully Present with God
Ever conversed with a person who just really makes you feel heard and received? Who’s undistracted, and all there?
Here’s my aha moment of late: Real presence with other people actually begins with the way we’re present with God.
Discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary
Title: Discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary