Discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary
Title: Discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary
Materials: Digital illustration
Artwork by: Lara Sim (@larasimart)
Description: Just as making nutritious eating choices and living an active lifestyle keep our physical bodies healthy, daily devotions keeps our inner beings in good spiritual health too. This is possible as we anchor our hearts in God’s Word and open our ears to hear God’s voice.
It takes a certain commitment and discipline to set aside time for daily devotions and sometimes we might assume that all we need to keep our spiritual health in check are weekend services. While it is important to join our brothers and sisters for corporate worship and Bible-study, it is equally important to spend time with God each day aligning our hearts and minds to His Word — through reading and prayer.
Intimacy with God
Devotion is a special time where you can have anywhere. It’s spending time with him in songs, journaling or going on long walks with God at the park. How can we find different ways to spend time with God and deepen our intimacy with Him?
Undistracted time with God
Devotion is setting aside time to be fully present with God. How can we give our fullest attention to Him if we allow ourselves to entertain the distractions around us?
Hearing from God
Devotion comprises of a two-way conversation. As much as we love to tell God about what’s on our hearts, God loves to share what’s on His heart with us too. How can we still our hearts to hear His voice and respond to His words?
Daily Word from God
Devotion is a time to feast on God’s word and grow in our relationship with Him. How do we grow if we don’t feed on the word of God regularly?
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