
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Passion. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Passion.

Tag Archive for: passion

A man is sitting alone in a cafe

What If I Can’t Find My Passion?

“Find your passion” sounds like dated advice, but every now and then we still go back to that, especially when we’re stumped on what we should do.
the owner is finding his dog on the bush

How to Stop Finding Your “Calling” and Start Living Your Life

There’s something incredibly alluring about the idea of finding our “calling”, something so admirable about stepping into that “one big moment” we grew up dreaming about. Our relentless pursuit of calling is also fuelled by the media we consume, telling us to go after our dreams because we’re “made for more”. 

Editor’s Picks: Best of “Why Do I Do?”

Take a journey with us as we reflect back on the last three months of 2019, and how we can love God with all that we do, big and small.

What If I’ve Lost My Passion?

At an early age, I was already aware of my love for computing, and everything I did was geared towards that end. So, it would be natural to think that after working in the industry for 10 years, I would go on to greater heights. However, after 10 years, my feelings towards my field of work waned.

Why I Stopped Reaching for Success

So while many of my peers are starting families and careers, I’m taking New Testament survey and theology classes. If I’m completely honest, there have been times I’ve wondered if it is worth it. Shouldn’t I be putting my time and resources toward building a successful career?

What If I Can’t Find My Passion?

How do I find my passion? I typed that question into Google my first-year in graduate school. I asked my professors. I asked my peers. They say, it should be what excites you in the morning. They say, you should go to bed thinking about it. They say, it’s what you want to do for the rest of your life. They say, they say. But I don’t.

Inspiration. Dreams. Passion

Title: Inspiration. Dreams. Passion Materials: Pencil Drawings Description:…

When Passion Clashes with Obedience

Sometime in high school, I decided I had to do something about the political troubles in my country. I spent hours poring over the news, trying to get fully acquainted with the political complexities and their social consequences.