Tag Archive for: health

Finding Strength to Love God When You’re Weak
A lot of the time, I am physically very weak. In fact, a lot of the time, I’m too tired to move. Too weak to lift my head off the table. Too exhausted to make myself a sandwich. So loving God with “all my strength” often doesn’t seem like a whole lot of love.

Help, My Body’s Out of Control!
I’m not sure how I got down this particular rabbit hole, but I ended up reading an article about body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs). And what I read crushed me.

Editor’s Picks: Best of Mental Health and the Gospel
Mental Health. Mostly, the threats come in ways you can’t see. But the claws of mental health struggles become very, very tangible as they seep into our lives and affect how we’re able to cope, live, and work. Sometimes it’s a challenge for Christians to talk about this. Afterall, doesn’t Jesus make us whole?

Editor’s Picks: Best of What Makes You Beautiful
Try as we might to stop it, modern society’s ever-changing standards of beauty seem to constantly creep into our thinking and impression of our self-worth. But God, as our creator, designed each of us exactly the way that we are, with great intention.
What do we do when we struggle to like how He’s made us?

Stewardship Is Not Just About Money
My daughter will turn two this summer, and she has a new favorite word. “Mine!” seems to work its way into her limited vocabulary at a pretty regular rate.

Can God Be Trusted? My Struggle with Asperger’s
“Have you heard of Autism Spectrum Disorder?” David, my mission team leader, casually asked me while we were having lunch at Makassar, Indonesia, while on a mission trip.

What if I Can’t Accept My Suffering?
For years, I had struggled with health issues. Plagued by auto-immune problems, anxiety, and OCD, I had to accept physical limitations and challenges with schoolwork, but I could not make peace with the mental disruption and chaos in my life.

How Should the Church Respond to Health Disorders?
Clare* sat up in bed, half an hour past her bedtime. “What’s wrong?” her mother asked, as the 10-year-old proceeded to dash out of her room.

ODJ: healed
But my theology and practice have often collided whenever I didn’t see God move in the way I expected. Recently, however, God unpacked a few more layers of understanding for me as I stepped forward to receive prayer for a torn meniscus at a youth service.
With teenagers gathered around me, I felt humbled to be the recipient of their prayers—especially since so many of them strugg
With teenagers gathered around me, I felt humbled to be the recipient of their prayers—especially since so many of them strugg