
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Faith. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Faith.

Tag Archive for: faith

A guy is walking on a rainy day and his reflection

Lost Between Two Worlds

Whatever were gains to me I now consider loss. . . (Philippians 3:7-8) If believing in Jesus hasn’t made your life better, at least in the way you think it should’ve, could it be. . . that you haven’t fully understood what you’ve gained?

Awkward Things We (Subconsciously) Say or Do When We Share Christ

As Christians, we know that we’ve been called to share the gospel (Matthew 28:18-20). But let’s face it, sharing about Jesus isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do.
A woman is holding her head and looking fear

When God Allowed My Deepest Fears to Happen

Courage, dear child, was God’s silent whisper to me. I didn’t understand it then, but I held onto His promise that He is with me. Little did I know that my greatest fear was about to happen.
An illustration of a diary, coffee cup, handphone, pen and plant on a table

5 Signs God is at Work in Your Life | YMI

Whatever you may be going through, there’s no safer place to be than in the hands of God. He’s still working in your life, and He's holding the whole world—and yours—in His hands.
A girl is holding a cup and looking anxious and worry

Is Freedom Possible if You Have Anxiety?

“What we’re trying to do is—even when the anxiety stays—help you learn to live with it,” said my therapist for the umpteenth time. I know what my therapist said is true, but it’s still a hard pill to swallow.
Married couple holding hands across a table

What I Learned from Marrying Someone of a Different Faith

I knew I had compromised. I had accepted this man who believes in God and accepts the Bible in some measure. What mattered most, I thought, was that he loved and accepted me as I am.

Faith in My Father’s Love

Remember when you were only very little, and your dad was so very tall and strong, and in your eyes, he was a superhero? Now that we’ve grown older and become more independent, how often do we turn to our dads for help? 

Gratefully Yours

New opportunities? Seize them. Difficult dilemmas? Move past them. Painful failures? Ignore them.

Crack of Blinding Light

But what if there’s a certainty we can cling on to—knowing that as we follow Him, God will make a way for us, and that step will lead only to our good.