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Tag Archive for: faith

ODJ: don’t stop

He was alone for most of his ministry. It seemed that no one cared to hear his words. He was draggedoff against his will to live his final days in exile. He was a failure as far as how the world judges human achievement. Jeremiah (alias ‘the weeping prophet’) was his name. 
Reading about the course of Jeremiah’s difficult ministry, I’ve wondered if he ever looked back at the day God call

ODJ: clean conscience 

According to a 2008 character survey of nearly 30,000 secondary school students, 64 percent of them said they had cheated on a test in the past year, 30 percent had stolen from a shop, 42 percent said they would lie to save money and 83 percent said they had lied to their parents about something significant. One of the more interesting findings of the survey was that 93 percent of the students sur

ODJ: victorious faith

Tukutana, the nonprofit organisation I direct in East Africa, is funding the education of a young lady named Acayo Sarah. She survived one of Africa’s longest running wars in history, but not without wounds. When Sarah was just 13 years old the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) rebels attacked her village in northern Uganda. After killing her mother and father in front of her, the ruthless men abdu

ODJ: the shrinking self

My boys like to play tag. For the moment I can still outrun them. One of our favourite spots to play is a place in our neighbourhood. It’s an oddly shaped, grassy area that narrows on both ends. My boys have the habit of running to one of the corners at the field’s edge. They think they’re creating distance from me, but they’re really only putting themselves into a corner. I give them room

ODJ: turning away

His tears revealed the sincerity of his sorrow. My young friend, a member of the youth group I work with, was torn up inside. For years he had used drugs. Then he began selling them to others. Now, no longer dealing, his heart was broken as he considered the many children and youth that he turned on to drugs. He saw them sinking into self-destruction and he felt terrible.
We talked about the for

ODJ: second glance

Alex Eklund likes beautiful women. He believes, however, that true beauty comes from the heart and character of a woman. In fact he says he would “rather have a Proverbs 31 wife than a Victoria’s Secret model”. He posted this comment after noticing the reaction to the Victoria’s Secret fashion show. Watching this event prompted some of his female friends to air feelings like these on Fac

ODJ: stand up

Evil doesn’t need numbers. History’s most horrific acts were committed by only a handful of people. These agents of evil didn’t persuade others to join in their sin; they only convinced them to go along. Most Germans didn’t hunt down and kill Jews, but they allowed their government to do it. Most Americans didn’t own slaves, but they permitted their neighbours to do so. Evil simply need

ODJ: my word is my promise

As an author, I’ve signed a few contracts. I’ve askedothers to sign them too. What I dislike most about contracts is their endless clauses and detailed legal jargon. It’s a litigious age. We’ve all heard of opportunistic people, with well paid lawyers, who find legal loopholes in such documents and cash in. So our contracts get longer and longer.

ODJ: simply love

The hope of change is in the air as we enter the New Year. It’s the anticipation of a new outlook or a new direction or the chance to do things differently. 
At the turn of the first century, the Jewish people were anticipating a change. In many ways they were still reeling from being captured by the Babylonians—something that had taken place more than 600 years earlier. Their aggressors had