RE:Align / Pain or Gain?
No one likes to suffer. We often ask, “Do I deserve this?" Why is there pain and suffering? And Satan sometimes uses such moments to evoke a sense of abandonment in God's children, and make us misunderstand the love of God.

Bloom In Doom
We all face circumstances in life that sometimes threaten to overwhelm us. It could be an illness we are fighting, struggles in our studies, the endless job search, suffering, loss and so on.
Sometimes we find it difficult to understand why we are going through these things, which bring along with them immense pain.
Over time, these experiences become permanent marks in our lives - etched in our very fibres, embroidered into our flesh.

Finding God In Everyday Things
Life is tough. And suffering comes in many forms - mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. So here’s a way to help us through difficult times: Look for God in the smallest things. Let everyday items bring to mind His wonderful promises. Let’s see things from a different perspective. The more we see God for who He is, the more we will grow in our gratitude and love for Him.

When Life Gets Tough
Life is never easy but we have the ultimate guide and provider to see us through. Remember: God will not ask us for something we cannot do. He will give us the strength so let’s do everything for His glory. May these few verses encourage you to press on just as they have been an encouragement to me.

In.visible is a project made in collaboration with five women on their experiences with sexual assault, abuse and rape. This project led me to be in conversation, over the course of a year, with them while I lived in Northfield, Minnesota, USA. I interviewed them, spoke with them in their homes, had meals with them and saw firsthand how they lived their lives in the light of sexual abuse and rape.

What If Jesus Had Facebook?
If Jesus lived in this day and age, would you be friends with Him on Facebook? Here’s what it might look like.

Are You In Sync With Technology?
Debunking common misconceptions within the church and perceptions of Christianity. This topic tugs on my heartstrings as I thought and believed all of these only four years ago before I became a Christian. These misconceptions get tossed around so easily in society. I hope that as you look through my project it allows you to understand what CHRISTianity is all about.
(1) Are-you-in-sync-with-technology
Ever gone on a date without your phone? The conversation might turn out a lot different.
Has technology replaced precious F2F interaction?
When’s the last time you skyped or facetimed a friend or loved one? Isn’t it fascinating how close they seem even though you’re 10,000 miles apart?
Has technology helped you keep up with each other’s lives?
Don’t feel like stepping out of the house? Call a delivery service and tadah - food at your doorstep!
Has technology made things more convenient or made us lazy?
What’s the first thing you do when you get home from school / work? Slouch in the couch? Before you know it, an hour has disappeared . . .

ENTERTAINMENT | Themed Contribution
Our God is an amazing Creator. He made our universe -: the things we see every day, the parts we hope to visit, and the areas yet undiscovered...

In Data We Trust
In this series of works, I explore the idea of identity and self in terms of data. As a photographer, photos are a part of me and they document my life. This work is a manifestation of my personal experience. Data loss is a nightmare to artists as our works would be lost.