Entries by YMI

ODB: Avoid Dehydration

July 6, 2013 

READ: John 7:37-39 

If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. —John 7:37 

A couple of times in the past few years I’ve experienced dehydration and, believe me, it is not something I want to repeat. It happened once after I suffered a torn hamstring while cross-country skiing, and another time in the 115-degree heat of an Israeli desert. Both times I experienced dizziness, disorientation, loss of clear vision, and a host of other symptoms. I learned the hard way that water is vital to maintaining my well-being.

My experience with dehydration gives me a new appreciation for Jesus’ invitation: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink” (John 7:37). His announcement was dramatic, particularly in terms of the timing. John notes that it was the last day of the “great feast”—the annual festival commemorating the wandering of the Jews in the wilderness—which climaxed with a ceremonial pouring of water down the temple steps to recall God’s provision of water for the thirsty wanderers. At that point, Jesus rose and proclaimed that He is the water we all desperately need.

Living like we really need Jesus—talking to Him and depending on His wisdom—is vital to our spiritual well-being. So, stay connected to Jesus, for He alone can satisfy your thirsty soul!

— Joe Stowell

Dear Lord, forgive me for thinking that I can do life
without the water of Your presence, advice, counsel,
comfort, and conviction. Thank You that You are
indeed the living water that I so desperately need.

Come to Jesus for the refreshing power of His living water. 

ODJ: the real boss

July 6, 2013 

READ: 2 Timothy 2:23-26 

The Lord Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm (Exodus 14:14).

Seven months later, American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke some words in response to attacks on American diplomatic missions in the Middle East that echoed my son’s convictions.

“When Christians are subject to insults to their faith, and that certainly happens, we expect them not to resort to violence,” Clinton said. “The same goes for all faiths. . . . Refraining from violence, then, is not a sign of weakness in one’s faith; it is . . . a sign that one’s faith is unshakable.”

Whether from the mouths of babes or seasoned leaders, there’s wisdom in the exhortation to refrain from fighting.

As Scripture strongly states: “Avoiding a fight is a mark of honour; only fools insist on quarrelling” (Proverbs 20:3); “An angry person starts fights; a hot-tempered person commits all kinds of sin. Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honour” (29:22-23); “A hot-tempered person starts fights; a cool-tempered person stops them” (15:18); “Greed causes fighting; trusting the Lord leads to prosperity. Those who trust their own insight are foolish, but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe” (28:25-26).

As followers of Jesus, let’s adhere to the apostle Paul’s advice, “Don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone . . . and be patient with difficult people” (2 Timothy 2:23-24).

—Roxanne Robbins
› Matthew 11:1-30

In 2 Timothy 4:7, what does Paul mean whenhe says he has “fought the good fight”? How does this type offighting differ from violence and retaliation? 
What has caused quarrels or fights in your life recently? How can you apply Scripture to help heal your relationship(s)? 

(Check out Our Daily Journey website!)

ODB: Battling Ego

July 5, 2013 

READ: James 4:6-17 

God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. —James 4:6 

When a general returned from a victorious battle, ancient Rome would stage a parade to welcome the conqueror home. The parade would include the general’s troops, as well as trophy captives who had been brought along as evidence of the victory. As the parade made its way through the city, the crowds would cheer their hero’s success.

To prevent the general’s ego from becoming unduly swollen, a slave rode along with him in his chariot. Why? So that as the Roman throngs heaped praise on the general, the slave could continually whisper in his ear, “You too are mortal.”

When successful, we too may lose sight of our own frailty and allow our hearts to fill with destructive pride. James pointed us away from the danger of pride by pointing us to humility and to God. He wrote, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). The key to that statement is grace. Nothing is more wonderful! The Lord alone deserves thanks and praise—especially for the grace He has lavished on us.

Our achievements, success, or greatness are not rooted in ourselves. They are the product of God’s matchless grace, upon which we are eternally dependent.

— Bill Crowder

New mercies every morning,
Grace for every day,
New hope for every trial,
And courage all the way. —Mc Veigh

God’s grace is infinite love
expressing itself through infinite goodness. 

ODJ: learning humility

July 5, 2013 

READ: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 

If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall (v.12).

Last month, as my wife was using our riding lawn mower, she accidentally hooked the bottom of the mower on one of the swings of our swing set. It dangerously lifted the front tyres off the ground! So as I was recently cutting the grass, her scare reminded me to slow down to first gear. I confidently manoeuvred around the swing on my left—but I failed to see the one on the right. Suddenly the mower reared up on its rear wheels and then tipped backwards. After hitting the ground and rolling clear of the blades, I realised that my mower now lay upside down on its crushed steering wheel.

My wife couldn’t believe what I’d done. After what had happened to her, she wondered how I could have been so careless. But that was the problem. It had happened to her, a rookie driver. I had mowed our lawn for 8 years without incident. In fact, I didn’t even know it was possible to flip a riding mower on level ground—and I didn’t think it could happen to me.

I had failed to fully learn from my wife’s example. In1 Corinthians 6 Paul tells us that we should learn from the Israelites. Their stories of disobedience “were written down to warn us” not to “crave evil things as they did, or worship idols” or “engage in sexual immorality” or “put Christ to the test” or “grumble as some of them did” (1 Corinthians 10:6-11). We are worse the moment we suppose we’re better, for we become sloppy when we think we’ll never fall.

If “pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18), then we must live humbly and alertly before God. What sin are you sure you would never commit? Look out! You’ve just let down your guard.

—Mike Wittmer
Luke 7:1-17 ‹

Read Mark 14:27-31, 66-72 to learn the danger of overconfidence. 
What sin are you inching towards because you’re sure you’d never actually do it? What do you think God wants you to do about it? 

(Check out Our Daily Journey website!)

ODB: Eternal Eyesight

July 4, 2013 

READ: 2 Corinthians 4:16–5:8 

We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. —2 Corinthians 4:18 

I received good news at my eye checkup last month—my faraway vision has improved. Well, I thought it was good news until a friend informed me: “Faraway vision can improve as we age; close-up vision may diminish.”

The report made me think of another kind of improved faraway vision that I have observed in some Christians. Those who have known the Lord for a long time or who have gone through great trials seem to have a better heavenly vision than the rest of us. Their eternal eyesight has gotten better and their close-up “earthly” vision is diminishing.

Because the apostle Paul had that type of eternal vision, he encouraged the church in Corinth: “Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory . . . . The things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Cor. 4:17-18).

For now we struggle with our “eyesight.” There’s a tension between enjoying all that God has given us in this life, yet still believing what theologian Jonathan Edwards said about our future: “To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here.” Seeing Him will bring perfect vision.

— Anne Cetas

Lord, we know that our life on this earth is but
a moment compared to eternity. Help us to enjoy
the time we’ve been given, and use us to tell of Your
love and goodness until that day when we see You.

Keep your eyes fixed on the prize. 

ODJ: unwanted and unloved

July 4, 2013 

READ: Ruth 2:5-23 

[The Lord] is showingHis kindness to us as well as to your dead husband. That man is one of our closest relatives, one of our family redeemers (v.20).

A pastor and his congregation, serving in an area known for addicts, alcoholics and prostitutes, haveprayed an interesting prayer for many years: Lord, send us the people nobody else wants. That prayer has been answered, as more than 800 church attendees are now involved in recovery programmes designed to help them break free from destructive lifestyles. Recently the pastor added this phrase to the end of his prayer: . . . and nobody else sees. He says, “[These people] are often overlooked. . . . But after all, as Jesus put it, ‘Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do’ ” (Matthew 9:12).

There once lived two women who definitely could have been shunned and overlooked—Naomi and Ruth. Due to the twin challenges of living in a patriarchal society (Naomi was a widow) filled with ethnic prejudice (Ruth was a Moabitess), the two were in a “bitter” place (Ruth 1:3-4,20).

But by God’s grace one man didn’t see them in the negative way that many did. Boaz showed “kindness” to the two women—noting the kindness Ruth had shown to his relative Naomi (2:11,20). He even blessed Ruth, saying, “May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done” (v.12).

Get this: Ruth was welcomed and helped even though she was a widow, had come from an undesirable nation and wasn’t one of Boaz’s workers (v.13). Although different and needy, she was redeemed by this “family redeemer” (v.20)—a man she would eventually marry! (4:13).

Who are the “people nobody else wants” in your world? How can you help them find redemption in Jesus and a healthier way of life? In Jesus’ eyes, all people are wanted.—Tom Felten

› Matthew 7:13-29

Read Isaiah 1:17 and note God’s compassionate instruction communicated through the prophet.  
How did Jesus model genuine love and concern for unwanted people? What can you do to follow His example? 

(Check out Our Daily Journey website!)

ODB: Service And Witness

July 3, 2013 

READ: 2 Corinthians 4:1-12 

We do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake. —2 Corinthians 4:5 

While serving as a maid in London, England, in the early part of the 20th century, Gladys Aylward had other dreams. Her goal was to be a missionary to China. Having been rejected by a Christian missionary organization as “unqualified,” Gladys decided to go there on her own. At the age of 28, she used her life savings to purchase a one-way ticket to Yangcheng, a remote village in China. There she established an inn for trade caravans where she shared Bible stories. Gladys served in other villages as well and became known as Ai-weh-deh, Chinese for “virtuous one.”

The apostle Paul also spread the gospel to distant regions of the world. He extended himself as a servant to meet the needs of others (2 Cor. 11:16-29). He wrote this about serving: “We do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake” (4:5).

Not all of us are called to endure hardship to spread the gospel in distant lands. But each of us is responsible as a servant of God to share Christ with people in our sphere of influence. It’s our privilege to help our neighbors, friends, and relatives. Ask God for openings to serve and to talk about Jesus who gave Himself for us.

— Dennis Fisher

My life is a painting created by God,
And as such I’ve nothing to boast;
Reflecting the image of Christ to the world
Is what I desire the most. —Sper

We serve God by sharing His Word with others. 

ODJ: confronting the darkness

July 3, 2013 

READ: Matthew 16:13-28 

Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get away from Me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to Me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s” (v.23).

If we believe in the existence of heaven and hell, then we must also believe Scripture when it speaks of an active spirit world. Just as Jesus acknowledged that Peter did not receive his messianic revelation through ‘flesh and blood’ (God the Father revealed it), Paul reminds us that “we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).

The powers of darkness are real, and in a moment of great regret, Peter (one who understood and believed in Jesus as his Messiah) gave in to his humanity by putting his own desires above the will of the Father. Not all demonic influence manifests in contorted bodies and violent threats (Matthew 17:15-18; Mark 5:6-20). For Peter, it was the seemingly simple observation that surely Christ had not come to die. More than highlighting Peter’s failures though, this particular interchange with Jesus also reveals the infinite power of Jesus. He’s greater than any spiritual enemy (Psalm 18:39-42).

Spiritual battles aren’t reserved for the super spiritual. Jesus has already done the work; we simply have to walk in it (Colossians 2:13-15; Revelation 12:11).

—Regina Franklin
Matthew 7:1-12 ‹

Read John 8:36-44 to see what specific spiritual challenges Jesus confronted. How can we apply the weapons Paul lists?  
What spiritual challenges are you facing? How will you rely on God’s power to overcome them? 

(Check out Our Daily Journey website!)

ODB: A Flying Miracle

July 2, 2013 

READ: Psalm 104:10-24 

O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions. —Psalm 104:24 

Among God’s creatures, the butterfly is one of the most stunningly beautiful! Its gentle flight, colorful wings, and amazing migratory patterns are traits that make the butterfly a masterpiece of the natural world.

This flying insect, while supplying us with visual enjoyment, also supplies us with amazing examples of the marvels of God’s creative work.

For instance, the majestic monarch butterfly can travel 3,000 miles on its migration to Central America—only to end up at the same tree its parents or even grandparents landed on a generation or two earlier. It does this guided by a brain the size of a pinhead.

Or consider the monarch’s metamorphosis. After the caterpillar builds a chrysalis around itself, it releases a chemical that turns its insides to mush—no perceptible parts. Somehow from this emerges the brain, internal parts, head, legs, and wings of a butterfly.

One butterfly expert said, “The creation of the body of a caterpillar into the body and wings of a butterfly is, without doubt, one of the wonders of life on earth.” Another expert feels that this metamorphosis is “rightly regarded as a miracle.”

“How manifold are [God’s] works!” (Ps. 104:24)—and the butterfly is but one of them.

— Dave Branon

We stand amazed, God, at the awesome creation You
allow us to enjoy. From distant galaxies to beautiful
butterflies, You have given us a world that speaks loudly
of Your love for us. Thank You, Lord, for creation.

Creation’s design points to the Master Designer.