Tag Archive for: Victor Goh

Ways to Die for Your Spouse
As a “new husband” trying to score brownie points with my wife (and also because I wanted to get our first Valentine’s Day together right), I had been thinking of ways to “die” for my wife (Ephesians 5:25).

So I Quit My Comfortable Job
It wasn’t an easy decision. I was comfortable where I was. Besides, I had spent more than half a decade in this environment. My workplace was basically the same university I had studied in.

5 Commonly Misquoted Verses
When Jesus was tested in the desert, it was the Word of God that He employed to counter the evil one’s various temptations. When faced with ups and downs in life, we too often recall verses to remind us of truths to hold on to.

For Whom Do We Take a Stand?
Written By Victor Goh, Singapore
Whenever we think about overcoming…

Why It’s Difficult to Date These Days
Written By Victor Goh, Singapore
“Hey, how ‘bout coffee…

Facing a Transition? Build an Altar
Written By Victor Goh, Singapore
So I finally got off my couch…

3 Things We Can Learn from Apple about Evangelism
I recently watched Ikea’s promotional video for their latest revolutionary “bookbook”. Ikea was promoting their latest catalogue Apple-style—with the makings of a typical Apple product

The stage we call “Social Media”
“All the world’s a stage; and all the men and women merely players.” —William Shakespeare. Social media is a stage—one where we act out the identities we wish people around us to see.