Tag Archive for: salt and light
Let’s Get Real with Brandon Ho
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If you recognise his trademark one-dimpled grin, that’s because Brandon Ho is a familiar face in the Malaysian entertainment scene. He’s usually playing one of these roles: TV host, emcee, actor, YouTuber.
Last year, Brandon added another role to his repertoire: podcast host. But unlike his previous projects, Let’s Get Real is the first time Brandon—who is vocal about his faith on his social media platforms—is discussing the Christian faith openly with other prominent Christians in Malaysia.
How Should Christians View Qing Ming?
After becoming a Christian, I began questioning the rituals performed during Qing Ming, and whether I should participate in these rituals with my family.
As I began thinking more about how Christians can participate in Chinese festivals such as Qing Ming, these are the questions that I’ve been reflecting on, and continue to reflect on today.
Taking Stock of Our Christmas Gifts
Another Christmas has come and gone. Even though the excitement of getting presents for Christmas never grows old, we’re suddenly faced with a different reality when we look at all the presents before us.
3 Ways To Respond to A World With Changing Values
On 6 September 2018, India’s Supreme Court overturned a 157-year-old law which had previously criminalized consensual gay sex.
This may come as a surprise to many, since India has long been known for its family values and traditional views on marriage.
Malaysia’s 14th General Election—How Can Christians be “Salt and Light”?
Tomorrow marks Malaysia’s 14th General Election. It has undoubtedly been the topic that has occupied the attention of all Malaysians, myself included, over the past few months.