Tag Archive for: Jesus as friend

The Kind Of Friends We Want—And Can Be (with tips from the Bible)
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Friendship is not a second-tier relationship in the Bible. Many times, the word “friend” is used alongside “brother” to express that level of closeness.

I Forgot I Was Friends with Jesus
I didn’t realize until I was in my third year of college that I had forgotten about the friendship I could have with Jesus. I had become so calloused to the tender side of His relationship with me that it often felt more like I was His spiritual employee, rather than someone He delights in.

Who Was Jesus To You This Year?
Title: Who Was Jesus To You This Year?
Description: We asked…

What If Jesus Had Facebook?
If Jesus lived in this day and age, would you be friends with Him on Facebook? Here’s what it might look like.

What Does Jesus Mean to You?
As everyone shared his or her story, I asked myself who Jesus was to me. Who is Jesus to you? Do you need someone to carry your burdens? He Will.

Friendship in Our Fast-Paced Society
I’ll be the first to say that if there was ever an award for “Worst Friend”, I would win first place. There have been times when I was so caught up with my work, I forgot my friends even existed. If I was not busy replying to work-related text messages, then I was constantly checking my email.