Who Was Jesus To You This Year?
Title: Who Was Jesus To You This Year?
Description: We asked 12 artists to hand-letter who Jesus was to them this year and here they are. Share with us your stories, they may be a great encouragement to someone else too!
In my 13-year journey with God, I have flaked out on God, been disillusioned, strayed away, doubted God, and failed to put my trust in God more times than I can count. But one thing remained constant: God’s love for me. I would always plead with God when I was struggling, “Don’t give up on me and I won’t give up on You”. And God will always comfort me by telling me that He is there. He has always been there and forever will be. It is His love and encouragement that keeps me moving forward. So who is Jesus to me? He’s the One who never gives up on me.
Artwork by Thalia Abreu (@goodwithinco)
Only Jesus gives us perfect peace and joy – not our relationships, finances, or career. It is a perfect peace and joy that is full, permanent, and satisfying. Jesus SECURED our faith, joy, and peace when he went to the Cross. Therefore, our peace and joy rest on the foundation of His atoning sacrifice, not on our own works or abilities.
Throughout this year, I have been learning and relearning the fact that in everything, I am able to enjoy the peace of God (that surpasses all understanding) when I make my requests known to Him by prayer and supplication.
Paul prays, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing” (Rom. 15:13). This is such a good reminder for me: when I trust in God’s promises, I am able to have fullness of joy and perfect peace, and God is glorified through it.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and joy to those with whom He is pleased – to those who believe!
Artwork by Hannah Hwang (@hannah.letters)
This year was full of victories and prayers being answered. After years of praying for specific chains to break, the chains came undone, showing God’s grace, love and mercy. He truly cares for His children and has the best plans awaiting them. Trust Him. Persevere. Never let go. Include Him in all of your decisions, worries, problems, and victories. And I promise you it will be worth it. He’s listening to you. Just remember that His plans are perfect, and we can just trust Him! Great is Thy faithfulness.
Artwork by Lauren (@ofsaltandlight)
This year, I learned a lot about myself and why Jesus has placed me where I currently am. At the beginning of the year, I was in a transition period and I felt unsure about a lot of things in my life, especially in the areas of friendships and career opportunities. But God has been so good at reminding me to let go of my fears and trust Him. He gave me a church community to lean on and an opportunity to intern for a great organization. With each opportunity, Jesus tore down my pride and humbled me, teaching me to lean more on Him daily.
Artwork by Sonya Lao (@write.side.up)
At the beginning of the year, I had a gut feeling that 2018 would be my best year yet. Boy, was I wrong! Instead, 2018 has been marked by rejection, my first heartbreak and immense self-doubt. I would say that Jesus is my toughest coach, because I believe He has put me through these hard tests to make me more dependent on Him. Yet at the same time, He was my loudest cheerleader, giving me hope and strength to carry on for the entire year.
Artwork by Chebett Chirchir (@lettertown)
“The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalms 32:8 NLT
The Lord has been a navigation system to me this year. There were many decisions I had to seek Him for. Before this, I would pray for something and ask God to answer it. But as I’ve grown in my faith, I’ve learned to trust His plans more than I trust mine.
He knows what’s the best route for me to take to my destination. As the drivers of our lives, the wheels are still in our hands, but we can decide whether or not to follow what the navigation system tells us to do. I’m learning to ask Him to direct my path, to lead me to the way He wants me to walk in, and not what I want for myself.
Artwork by Elizabeth Gonzales (@eggraphy)
This past year Jesus has been the giver of grace for me. He has overwhelmed me with blessings that I did not deserve and that’s what I love so much about Him. He is my Grace Giver!
Artwork by Cory Romeiser (@coryromeiser)
To me, God is everything. He is the source of love, life, and everything else in the entire universe and beyond. The entire Bible is filled with His love for us. While some things in life may remain a mystery to us, as Spurgeon said, “When you can’t trace God’s hand, you can trust His heart”. How amazing it is that God made us to love us. As John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this: that a man lay down his life for his friend.”
Artwork by Novia Jonatan (@novia_jonatan)
This year, I’ve experienced the comfort of God through new friendships and worship songs. He has blessed me with new friendships I never knew could be fostered in such a short span of time. I’ve also personally felt God speaking to me through worship songs. Amazingly, each time a song ends on Spotify, another worship song will play and it’s always just what I needed to hear. Through the various songs I have listened to, I am always reminded of God’s love for me. He knows everything that is happening in my life, and that reassurance has cleared my uncertainties, doubts, pain, worries, and fears. There is just no word that can describe the love He has for me.
Artwork by Siaw Chia (@tan1889_xiaojia)
This past year has been a season of uncovering wounds, breaking off chains, and healing. There were times when I was so overwhelmed that I lost my appetite and could not move or work, much less lead groups and serve in worship. During such times, Jesus was literally my lifeline. He gave me enough strength for each day. He shone through my weakness when I had nothing left within me. He carried me through when I could not pick myself up anymore. He showed me His great love and faithfulness and brought full Life back into my life.
Artwork by Gloria Chan (@ahintofglo)
Where do you seek your treasure? Do you seek satisfaction from earthly success, relationships, money, comfort, and self-image? I admit that I’ve sought treasure in these things. But every time, they’ve left me empty and longing for more. Treasures of the world are vain and fleeting; they’ll fall away with time. Only one treasure will last forever—Jesus. Only He can and will fill that chasm in your soul. This Christmas, let us celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, a baby born to become our greatest Treasure!
Artwork by Rachel Tu (@designedwithdelight)
I share all my joys and sadness with God. Even late into the night, He listens to what I have to say and encourages me with His Word. The little things I forget during the day, He brings them back to my remembrance. In the midst of my busyness, He nudges me, reminding me about our late night dates. He is always challenging me beyond my limits and rejoices with me in my victories. I can fully rely on this faithful friend, He has got my back!
Artwork by Sarah Ang (@salahong)
Thank You Jesus for being a faithful friend, more than a friend could ever accommodate, never giving up on me and my absolute restorer and lifeline through it all.
Thank You for being my everything and more, even when I despised and betrayed you!
You are too Awesome. You are Yahweh.
Thank You Jesus. I’m absolutely grateful.