Tag Archive for: Hannah Shoue

When the Church Isn’t Doing Enough for Justice
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Each Sunday that goes by without a mention of racial justice, with no acknowledgment of the deep pain that is rocking our nation and affecting believers and nonbelievers alike, makes me wonder why the Church is not at the forefront of advocating for justice.

5 Sustainable Switches to Consider in 2020
In the past year, I’ve come to a new resolution that has been shaping the end of my 2019 and that I hope will shape my 2020: I want to reduce the amount of waste I produce.

Trusting God In A Time of Transition
Three years ago, I began my college career at a small Christian college called Calvin College. I had a lot of anxieties in the beginning—moving to a school far from home, not knowing anyone, making new friends, etc. But by the second semester, I was well-adjusted and praising God for a good first year of school and for the friends He had provided me with.

Why Should Christians Care About Social Justice?
Every fall, my college holds an event called “Un-Learn Week”. Un-Learn Week is a week full of different events focused on “un-learning” racial bias. This was the first time that I started really learning about social justice and what it means—especially in a Christian context.

What Does It Mean to Be Sanctified?
Someone recently wrote “#holy” on my dorm room door. I live in a dorm at a Christian college and facilitate a weekly Bible study on my floor, so this innovative hashtag made me smile. It also brought to mind a question I have been wrestling with for the past several weeks.

Is Jesus our Significant Other?
Unlike many of my peers at college, I did not receive a purity ring* from my family or church when I was in high school. I know that if I had asked for one, I would have been given one

What To Do If You’ve Misplaced Your Identity
One of the latest buzzwords in today’s culture is “identity”. Whether it’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, or relationship status, there are so many ways we can identify ourselves.

Making Friends in College: 3 Misconceptions
In a culture obsessed with romantic relationships, the value of genuine friendship often goes unrecognized.

Is Dressing Modestly Overrated?
I’ve always felt uneasy about the topic of modesty. Growing up in church, I heard many different rules and principles about modesty. However, I often had difficulty accepting some of them—something I know other Christian girls have dealt with as well.