Tag Archive for: God’s voice

Make Room to Savour God’s Goodness
Our minds are made up of wonderful and intricate spaces–each housing an entire world of its own.

How I Learned To Hear God’s Voice
How often do you hear God’s voice? What does it sound like, how does it come to you?
Or is it something you can’t really say you’ve experienced?

What If I Can’t Feel the Holy Spirit?
May told me about her friend who could hear God audibly speak to her. This friend had encouraged her, telling her that if she desires it enough, if she prays hard enough, she would hear God speak too. But still, she couldn’t.

3 Tips to Revitalize Your Devotional Time
If we want to survive spiritually, we need to consume the Word of God—the Bible. But how does one read the same book repeatedly without getting bored?

When You Don’t Hear From God
There wasn’t a clear, booming, “Yes, go ahead with this plan”, or “Yes, this is the will I have for you” from God when I packed my bags and said goodbye to family and friends for a job overseas.

Editor’s Picks: Best of “Why Do I Worship?”
We focused the last quarter on loving God with all of our soul. We asked our contributors. . .why do you worship?

Editor’s Picks: Best of “Why Do I Feel?”
As we started the new year, we embraced Luke 10:27 as our anchoring verse, and spent the first three months digging into what it looks like to love God with all of our hearts. We were blown away by the generous contributions from our global volunteer contributors, and wanted to share with you a few of our best articles—ones that have already encouraged thousands, that we hope can encourage you too!

Editor’s Picks: The Best of 2018
2018 has been a fulfilling year for us at YMI. We launched our very first online devotional, published over 560 articles, produced 39 artspace projects and 7 videos to help you ask the whys and walk out your purpose.

When I Couldn’t Feel God
I glanced across the hall. There were hundreds of people, all from different states across Malaysia, gathered together for the annual convention organized by my church.