Tag Archive for: God’s strength
How Can I Love God When I’m Feeling Weak?
How do you love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30) when you’re actually pretty weak?
When Discouragement Hits Hard
Whenever we encounter setbacks in life, or in our spiritual walk, we may think that it’s simply a matter of trying again, but to try harder this time, and persevere in doing so.
The Unseen and Seen
Which kingdom are you seeking—the one that’s unseen or the one that’s seen?
Ways To Keep Yourself From Running On Empty
How often do we give our internal batteries a check-up? Do we “plug” ourselves into things that recharge and refuel us when we’re dipping into empty? Or we do stuff our tiredness away and soldier on?
Are You Weak Enough for God to Use You?
I’ve always struggled with separation anxiety. For a long time, venturing to other countries for study or work seemed impossible. But at 19, I ended up going overseas alone. I did a five-month internship in San Francisco as part of my school curriculum.
How We Can All Experience Some Good from Conflict
Her demeanor was the first signal. The way she averted her eyes when I looked in her direction. Then, as we walked past her on our way out of church and my husband bid a friendly goodbye, her silence confirmed it—she was upset.
Is Fear Threatening to Overwhelm You?
I was listening to one of my favorite Christian radio shows, and the topic that day was fear. I thought to myself, “I really don’t have a problem with fear,” but I listened anyway. Fast forward about 10 years . . . Now I can tell you about fear.
Your (Totally Doable) Daily Goals for a Purposeful Year
Title: Your (Totally Doable) Daily Goals for a Purposeful Year
Help, My Body’s Out of Control!
I’m not sure how I got down this particular rabbit hole, but I ended up reading an article about body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs). And what I read crushed me.