Tag Archive for: God’s creation

Creation in the Hands of a Creative God
Scripture records accounts of God using specific animals to carry out His purposes, from saving a disobedient preacher to reprimanding a sinful prophet. Such is the creativity of our God, who is able to use everything in His creation to further His redemptive plan and display His glory.

5 Sustainable Switches to Consider in 2020
In the past year, I’ve come to a new resolution that has been shaping the end of my 2019 and that I hope will shape my 2020: I want to reduce the amount of waste I produce.

Dive Deeper Into Creation Care
Title: Dive Deeper Into Creation Care
Artwork by: Emilia Ting…

The Berth of Life
Title: The Berth of Life
Artwork by: Marcus Huang (@marc_o_____)
Description: This…