
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Failure. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Failure.

Tag Archive for: failure

Woman walking on arrow

When I Thought I Was Following God’s Will—but Then Failed

Two years into my first job, I decided to quit and pursue a master’s degree so I could go into different field. I remember reading a lot of Christian resources about God’s leading, and came to the conclusion that God’s will is for us to keep moving forward in life and to do “big and brave” things for Him.
A woman is sitting alone on the riverside and holding a book

God Spoke Through My Fear of Failure

What if I fail?  This thought haunted me, to the point where I felt breathless, like I had been kicked in the gut.
Illustration of a seed falling

How to Fall and Fail Better

As Christians, we need not feel like we can only share our stories when it’s a success story. Stories of ongoing growth—which necessarily include failures—deserve to be heard, too.

How 3 Bible Characters Recovered from Their Failures

When we think of our favourite Bible characters, we often remember their grand exploits and victories. But even the best of them are frail and flawed human beings, and had to go through times of failure before they finally “made it”.
An illustration of a diary, coffee cup, handphone, pen and plant on a table

5 Signs God is at Work in Your Life | YMI

Whatever you may be going through, there’s no safer place to be than in the hands of God. He’s still working in your life, and He's holding the whole world—and yours—in His hands.
graphic image of an elephant crying

5 Better Measures of Success

You might feel like you’re far from successful, or your life has been marked by disappointments, failures, and setbacks. But when God’s the one defining our success, we know that He has a different set of measures in mind. What really matters to God’s heart when it comes to success? Here are some suggestions.


There was a time, deep into my walk with Jesus, when life became extremely difficult.

Into the Light

One of the hardest things about getting ready in the morning is picking out my socks.

Not Less in Your Mess

God’s royal family in Genesis was a bit seamy. Consider Abraham’s family.