Tag Archive for: decision-making

4 Better Questions to Ask When Making Decisions
How do we navigate the mountain of decisions before us daily and not be paralysed into inaction? As believers, is there a better way to make decisions? What are the biggest considerations we need to be mindful of?
Here are four useful questions we can ask ourselves through the decision-making process.

Yu Lian: How A 10-year-old Steered My Life in A Different Course
Coming from a safe haven like Singapore, Yu Lian’s heart stirred as she met children from a shelter whose lives were tainted by drug abuse and family violence from as young as six years old.
The year was 2010. The young Christian, then 18 years old, had just embarked on her very first mission trip with Radion International–a Christian organisation which serves villages in rural parts of Thailand–over her polytechnic school holidays.

How I Knew My Husband Was “The One”
As a teenager, I’d lie in bed and wonder what my future husband was doing at that very moment, wherever he was in this world. He was breathing, blinking, thinking, living, and I wondered: When would we meet? Would I know that he was the one?

3 Steps to Decide Whether You Should Step Up and Serve
While serving is a privilege, work has been busy, and my weekends are taken up with church commitments—so I knew it would be hard for me to take it on. But the thought of rejecting the request when it was a valid need made me feel terrible. Several thoughts rang in my head: Was I being selfish? Would I disappoint my leader if I said no?

How to Stay Sane When Everyone Has an Opinion about Everything
“I don’t understand why you aren’t coming home. Where we live isn’t a hotspot anymore, and we’re taking all the right precautions, so you’ll be perfectly safe. Honestly, I’m worried about you.”
“Are you really going to drive north this weekend? You know there’s a stay-at-home order in place, right?"

When God’s Call Isn’t Clear
People often ask me how I knew God was calling me to be a missionary—to be honest, I didn’t know for sure if He was. Moving to Taiwan from my home in the US was an intimidating decision. So, in the absence of clear direction, I took small steps of faith.

5 Steps to Handling Money Well
Money. Practically speaking, we need it to live. We use it to get food, clothes. . . to secure a place to live. To some extent, it influences nearly every decision we make every day. How can Christians keep something so pervasive from becoming an unhealthy, idolized presence in our lives?

Editor’s Picks: Best of “Why Do I Think?”
As we’ve spent the last three months looking at what it looks like to love God with all of our minds—we’ve been asking the question, “Why do I Think?”.

5 Things to Consider When You’re At the Crossroads
Are you at the crossroads? Does it feel like your entire future depends on the decisions you are about to make?
As you stand at the crossroads, looking forward to unknown futures, here are five things to consider.