
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under decision-making. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: decision-making.

Tag Archive for: decision-making

When You Don’t Hear From God

There wasn’t a clear, booming, “Yes, go ahead with this plan”, or “Yes, this is the will I have for you” from God when I packed my bags and said goodbye to family and friends for a job overseas.

When Things Don’t Make Sense

“Seriously, God?” I was lying down face up on the floor at home, looking at the spinning blades of the ceiling fan. It was January 2014, and I was at a career crossroads in life.

When You’re Skeptical of God’s Plan

I consider myself a very thorough decision-maker. I try to think of all possible factors, potential outcomes, and I take a long time to do it (as if more time would result in a better decision).

How Saying “No” Leaves Room for “Yes!”

It should have been a peaceful weekend. My overloaded brain and heart certainly could have used the downtime. Instead, I found myself stuck for two and a half hours in the car with three of my kids in standstill traffic

5 Facts that Helped Me Choose Forgiveness

We all react differently when people hurt us. Some of us lash back, some of us brood quietly, and some turn to other sources of comfort for solace. Sometimes, we can become bitter after being hurt, and it eventually destroys our relationships.

I Didn’t Choose to be Gay

I did not choose to be attracted to people of the same sex. I had an ordinary childhood in an ordinary home. My father and mother, along with my grandmother, loved me and did their best to provide and care for me.

CHOICES | Themed Contribution

In His great love, God has given us as Christians the privilege…

5 Choices every Student entering University must make

Title: 5 Choices every Student entering University must make Materials:…

CHOICES | Themed Contribution

Sometimes, we can get bogged down with the many decisions we…