Tag Archive for: Deborah Lee

When You Can’t Live the Life You Want
“When is Wati’s last day?” I asked my husband, frustrated.
I knew that Wati, the domestic helper my husband had hired, would not be leaving anytime soon, but I wanted my husband to know that I was annoyed with him for hiring her without my consent.

When I Argued with My Husband About Money
In February, my husband had a seizure due to stress. He had not been coping well with all the changes at work and ended up leaving his job in March. Since then, he has been searching for a job, but with the pandemic, the job market has been bleak. And so, I thought we would need to be more prudent with our expenses while we live on my income.
But he was not willing to compromise on a significant expense—to let go of the helper who had joined us for just a couple of months.
It frustrated me that he refused to listen to my explanation and proposals.

The Argument That Changed the Way I Handle Conflict in My Marriage
What started out as an innocent question ended up setting off explosive words between us, revealing our communication issues as a couple. As my husband started listing all of his complaints about me, I became increasingly frustrated, angry even, at his self-justification.

How God’s Word Helps Me Fight My Mental Battles
One of my New Year’s resolutions this year is to dig deeper into the Bible and have His Word stored in my heart (Psalm 119:11). I realise that whenever we come to God and lay our emotions before Him, we also need to let His Word search our hearts and allow His truth to renew us.

I Felt Insignificant in God’s Kingdom
Even though I was following the Lord’s leading into this new routine, I felt insignificant. My behind-the-scene role in motherhood seemed less appealing to me. I felt that God was not using me much in His Kingdom anymore.

Moving From Guilt to Freedom
My heart was tense. I kept remembering the recent conversation with my former church leader. I had explained to her my decision to leave for a new church, and apologized for letting her down.

No Longer A Slave to Bitterness
“Don't you ever dare think of taking Jack away! You need to prove yourself as a mother first.” Those were the harsh words of my mother-in-law, trying to stop me from taking my son home for the weekend.

I Thought I Would Never Forgive
When I got married and moved in with my husband’s family, there were many conflicts. I was immature and hot-tempered, and exchanged many harsh words with my in-laws.