
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Dating. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Dating.

Tag Archive for: dating

Journey of Sexual Purity

Written by Ross Boone, USATitle: Journey of Sexual Purity Artwork…

What My Failed Blind Date Taught Me About God

I could feel my heart pulsing. Any sense of calm I’d been harboring fled like an outgoing tide. In the Pacific Northwest, I experienced a similar feeling looking over the edge of a cliff hundreds of feet above the wild Pacific Ocean. This time the cause was even more intimidating—I was on a blind date.
Couple sitting on a rock looking at mountains together

2 Tips to Date in A Loving Way

When it comes to interacting with members of the opposite sex, it’s likely that such questions would’ve crossed our minds before.
Guy on his phone sitting at a table with friends

Should I Download A Dating App?

I still remember the day my best friend and I were hanging out, complaining about dating and boys and life in general, when we decided we were going to do it: download a dating app.
Girl holding a flower

When My Parents Didn’t Like My Date

With my Facebook newsfeed dominated by status updates of engagements, weddings, and babies, I thought it was best I got my act together or risk growing old alone.

God’s Will Isn’t Found in Books

As Christians, we are known for believing that we are to follow what the Bible tells us to do. Sometimes, this gives others the impression that we serve a God who has an unending list of commands that we need to follow.
Couple holding hands walking along the sidewalk

Dating: Are we getting it right?

We’ve all heard about the “right” way in which we should go about dating, and have been taught what is right and wrong. And we teach the same lessons to others, or judge others by the same standards.
Couple holding hands by the water

5 “Harmless” Dating Tips

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, you may have encountered at least one of these five things I have been told about dating. Perhaps the advice was given out of good intentions, but more often than not, it left you feeling frustrated and miserable.
Couple sitting together overlooking a busy bridge

Why It’s Difficult to Date These Days

Written By Victor Goh, Singapore “Hey, how ‘bout coffee…