
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Dating. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Dating.

Tag Archive for: dating

a shot of a female and male legs with bags

Does it Matter Who Makes the First Move?

I was the one who made the first move by asking my then-boyfriend (now husband) out. We first met online and after an encouraging conversation, I initiated a coffee date.
A friend is comforting her friend

Leaning on God in the Season of Heartbreak

Last year was a tough one for me. I thought I could end up with someone whom I considered my best friend and my safe place, but it did not happen as I’d hoped.
Illustration of a man standing alone against the wall

Dealing With the Aftermath of a Bad Breakup

On the surface, we might’ve looked like a happily-in-love couple, but beneath this façade were fears, misunderstandings, anger, and doubts built up due to silent treatments and unresolved arguments.
Illustration of a couple holding hands walking away from her friend

My Friend is Dating a Non-Christian. What Should I Do?

I was that friend who once dated a non-Christian. Let me tell you my story.
Couple sitting on a wall together

Navigating My First Relationship (With Help From the Bible)

It’s not surprising if you feel that the Bible isn’t a book you can run to for advice on modern-day romance. Nevertheless, there are some Biblical principles that we can discerningly apply to our romantic pursuits.
Couple's lower halves standing across from one another in church

The Kind of Compromise We Need When Dating

"Is he worth wearing a skirt for?" That's the question a good friend left with me after I shared my doubts about the guy I was dating. 
Lady dreaming of relationship - why do I want a significant other

Why Do I Want a Significant Other?

I was four years old when I told my mum that I’d like to get married when I’m older. “Because,” I told my mum excitedly, “I’d like to wear a white dress—just like Cinderella!”. I’m now in my 30s, and I'm still single.
Girl holding phone - single and feeling left behind

How God Met Me Where I Was—Single and Feeling Left Behind

I have been longing for a partner for as long as I can remember. However, my plans of getting married young did not happen. And now that I’m in my 30s—and still single—there are days when I feel incredibly lonely.
Illustration of online dating profiles

5 Ways to Stop Feeling Desperate When It Comes to Dating

At the start of each relationship, I was worried that I wouldn't find a suitable life partner. My trust in God had begun to waver. The resulting feeling of desperation caused me to compromise on aspects that should’ve been clear non-negotiables when looking for my future husband.