Tag Archive for: calligraphy

Wood You Trust Him?
Title: Wood You Trust Him?
Materials: Paint and Wood
Description: Many…

Heaven is…
To gain a better understanding of our “destiny” and what heaven is. Words and verses straight from The Bible will give us the truest insight into where we may be spending our future after life ends here on earth.

The #TruthAboutWhoYouAre series was created to dive deeper into the Bible to discover who God says we are so we can live out our fullest potential. God has created all of us to do extraordinary things. You have what it takes to make great things happen. Not only that, you were created to do great things, according to Ephesians 2:10. Many times, we will feel like we are "not enough" or "not qualified" but those are just feelings. Our feelings are valid but we can't let them determine the course of our life. The #TruthAboutWhoYouAre series reveals the truth about who you are.

IDENTITY | Themed Contribution
As we're at the beginning of a new year, my knee-jerk reaction…

A Meaningful Christmas
It is so easy to get busy during the Christmas season and miss out on the meaning of it all. Now, imagine if suddenly, an aurora appeared in the skies right above where we are standing, where a display of colourful lights glow and beauty fills the sky. I would stand in awe at such a precious sight! But if we didn’t go out to see, if we didn’t look up into the sky, we just might miss it.