Heaven is…
Title: Heaven is…
Materials: Marker pen, paper
Description: To gain a better understanding of our “destiny” and what heaven is. Words and verses straight from The Bible will give us the truest insight into where we may be spending our future after life ends here on earth.
What is heaven? Who goes there? What will it be like?
Heaven is a place that God has made. It is the dwelling place of God. It is where saints in Christ will be after we die. There will be reunion with every other believer, as we will still have our memories and we will recognize faces. There will be rewards, responsibilities, rest and rejoicing! There WON’T be sickness as we will be given ‘new bodies’. There WON’T be any sadness, suffering, sin or death. Heaven is perfect. What a spectacular place it will be!
A lot of heaven is still a mystery and not fully explained in the bible. Mercy Me says it best, “I Can Only Imagine” how spectacular it will be.
Is hell for real? Jesus talks the most about hell than any other topic in the Bible. Hell is a real place and it is a place where God is not. He has given us all free will and the ability to choose what we believe in. In fact we are the ones responsible if we go to hell or not. He gives us the choice to decide if we want to go to heaven or hell. John 3:16 simply states that God sent His one and only son to save us and if we believe in Him then we will not perish but instead have eternal life in heaven. We must remember that we serve an amazing God who loves us and wants the best for us. He wants us to spend an eternity with Him.
Where is your treasure in this life? What does it mean to live with the end in mind?
We enter this world starting with a date and leave this world with another date. What is in between? A dash. That’s what we all are living right now…that dash. The next question is, how are you living that dash? We only get one of them and we never know how long that dash will be. Are we living it with intention and purpose? What do we treasure most in life?
For me, I am so thankful to be here and live this life, but I am looking forward to that life with Jesus. That being said, I know I was given this life to live for Him and be a light for Him. So that means my dash should be FULL of generosity, serving, loving and giving. We can store up as much money and things we want but after we have reached our end date, none of that goes with us.
This one verse stuck out a lot to me and I hope I can put it into practice in my everyday life: Luke 16:9 “I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.” What a great verse and great reminder to use m y money others. It is my goal to spend more money on those in need, to share the love of the Lord with them. The end goal is that they too will come to see and know the Lord and share eternal life with me. Now that is an investment that will last forever.
Artist Feature | Andrea Stenger
Growing up in a non-Christian environment, I would say I was agnostic. Long story short, I came to Christ after becoming best friends with a pastor’s daughter, attending youth fellowship a few times, getting my first bible, and meeting my now husband. The process involved asking a lot of questions, breaking down in tears during the middle of church, and spending hours asking my boyfriend “why”. I gave my life to Jesus in February 2012 and have been a Christian for almost four years now. I thank the Lord every day that I have Him. I honestly don’t know how I ever lived without Him. He truly has changed my life and made me new.
It is my desire to use my business as a way to say thank you to Him, show others how good He is, and as a way to connect with others in hopes to share the gospel.
If you had asked me three years ago if I’d ever own my own business I would have laughed and said heck no, I don’t know a thing about starting a business! So let’s just say everything has been a learning curve, but it has been so much fun. I also had a lot to learn when it came to taking my designs to the computer. I love being able to express myself through this visual, writing art. I create my work as a way to worship the Lord.
So wonderful!