Bree Rostic

Learn more about Bree Rostic and check out Bree Rostic’s contributions to YMI over the years.

Tag Archive for: Bree Rostic

What to Do When You’re Stuck in Comparison

I don’t know when it started. I don’t recall the first girl I looked at and thought to myself, she’s so much prettier than me. Surely it started before I began to mumble excuses under my breath regarding my lack of abilities.

I’m Saved. . . Now What?

I dedicated my life to Christ at the age of 17. I was in the garage then, and the (what I now know to be) Holy Spirit caused unexplainable gratefulness to consume me.

5 Tips to Stay Woke as a Christian

“Stay woke? Well, I must be awake, because I am talking with you.” That was my response to a friend when I first heard the term, stay woke*.
God gave me the changes I needed not the changes I wanted

Pregnant at 18, what was I thinking?

There was a time I believed that I had it all together. In my mind, I was the epitome of cool.