Tag Archive for: AU Mental Health Project (Personal)
4 Ways to Prepare Yourself for the New Year
Congratulations on making it through this year! The last 12 months have been a wild ride, and we can't wait to take a breather.
But just as we’re about to settle down to relax, we’re assailed by thoughts about the new year.
How to Quiet the Voices in Our Heads
“I should get up and do my laundry.”
“I should get my steps above 6,000.”
“I should unsubscribe from that streaming platform I am no longer using.”
“I should go to bed earlier. I should wake up earlier.”
These are just some of the milder “shoulds” that pass through my head on any given day.
5 Things to Remember When You’re Faced With Decision Paralysis
There’s a queue behind me all the way out the door. People are frowning, shuffling on the spot, trying to peer around me. I know I’m keeping them waiting, but I just can’t decide.
What’s Behind Our Imposter Syndrome?
Comedy writer Tina Fey and I have something in common.
What we do have in common is the sense that we’re “imposters”, and one day, people will call us out for the “fakes” that we are.
Oh Deer, Is That Me?!
As we prep for the most perfect Christmas ever, our competitive, perfectionist, and overthinking spirit takes over. Before we know it, we have subconsciously adopted a festive persona that’s not-so-nice. “Oh dear, is that me?”, we think.
I Quit My Job for My Mental Health
Backstabbing colleagues. Inattentive managers. An unmanageable, ever-growing workload. These were a few of the factors that made me quit my job.
Seeking Help Was the Important First Step to My Recovery
I’ve struggled with anxiety since I was first bullied in school at the age of 7. I would often go to bed with a lump in my throat and a heavy feeling in my chest, and cry myself to sleep.
How I Learned to Take My Thoughts Captive
“You’re so careless!”
“Why are you so . . . stupid. How many times do I have to repeat myself?”
“You’ll never amount to anything . . . ”
These are just a small sample of the verbal knockdowns I grew up with.
Finding Christ After Sexual Assault
I was about 24 and living in the UK when I was sexually assaulted by my flatmate. By the time I got the courage to tell the police what had happened, he had returned to his home country, and there was little they could do.