Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under TOPICS. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: TOPICS.


How Taking Up the Cross Became A Daily Affair

Eons ago, my would-be-mentor gave me a little card when she first invited me to join my church’s youth ministry leadership team. I do not recall what she wrote, but the quote on the card remains etched in my memory, some fifteen years on.

How I Managed Doubt In My Life

When I was in primary school, I used to stammer. This speech impediment hampered my conversations with friends, teachers, and parents, leaving me with feelings of inadequacy.

I Can’t Stop Sinning: What Should I Do?

I’ve just joined a squash club and I’m starting to think it was a mistake. For one, the membership, courts, new shoes, racquet, and balls are expensive. Secondly, every game reduces me to a sweaty mess—surely it must be unhealthy to sweat that much in one 40-minute window.

What Carrying the Cross Really Means

As a Christian, I know it is important to attend church on Sundays, as God has commanded us in his Word: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another” (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Working Out An Imperfect Marriage

It should have been the perfect marriage. After all, God Himself had indicated that they were meant to be together. But even with such an auspicious beginning, the union of Isaac and Rebekah did not work out perfectly.

When We Lose Sight of God in Our Relationships

Recently, I was able to enjoy a work-free weekend and got to spend time with my boyfriend, Asiri. As a couple, we have our ups and downs, but by God’s grace, we have been able to work through our problems.

My letter to “Sin”

Dear Sin, You keep on knocking on the door, tempting me in every way you can. I have broken my bondage with you, I have chosen to let you go; yet you keep coming back.

The Day I Googled the Weight of a Cloud

Have you ever wondered how much a cloud weighs? It’s a strange question, I know, but it’s something that came to mind one Sunday as I was taking in one of my favorite sights from the window by my bedside—a blue sky dotted with puffy, snow-white clouds.

What I’ve learned from Minions

Some time ago, I went to the cinema with my friends to watch the antics of a bunch of cute, little pill-shaped yellow beings in blue jumpsuits. It was the movie Minions, a story about how these incompetent yet irresistible creatures met and entered the service of Gru, the reluctant hero of the Despicable Me franchise.