Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under TOPICS. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: TOPICS.


Are We Working for the Lord?

After graduating from college, I pursued my career ambitions and became an accredited consultant at a young age. I worked for 11 years as a full-time employee, then entered private practice as a consultant, before eventually enrolling in a Bible school to pursue God’s calling.

A Letter To My Future Self

Dear Future Self, Hey! Hello there! Howdy doo! Yes, I need to remind you that you are still weird—that’s my obligation as your past. You are welcome.

How I Survived Sharing a Room with my Sister

For almost my entire life, I’ve shared a room with my younger sister. And as anyone who’s in the same plight would know, this pretty much means constant mutual antagonism.

The Day My Sister Got Married

Ever since my sister got attached, I have been anticipating her wedding and the prospect of her starting a family. Imagine my joy when my sister told me that her boyfriend had proposed to her.

Craving A Father’s Love

I always feel a tinge of envy whenever I see a doting father chatting and laughing with his child. I have never had such happy memories. When I was 11 years old, my parents divorced after my father had an affair.

From Whining to Winning

Growing up in a traditional family in the Philippines, I, being the youngest, bore the duty of running errands for the family. These usually involved purchasing spices, sauces, cigarettes or worse, sanitary napkins for my sisters from convenience stores.

Learning to Accept My Broken Family

“My biggest mistake in life is marrying you!” Since I was in kindergarten, I would often hear my parents hurl that statement at each other; they fought right before our eyes.

When We Take our Families for Granted

Recently, I started watching an exciting Korean drama, “School 2015: Who Are You”. It tells the story of a pair of orphaned twin girls, Eun-Byeol and Eun-Bi, who were separated at birth.

An Unlikely Friendship

At the beginning of the year, I made a resolution to make a new friend at church. There were not many young people at church, and I quickly picked a likely prospect. She was about my age, still in school, and working part-time. I figured we had enough in common to keep us going.