
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Faith. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Faith.

How I Got Rid of Self-Pity

I have many reasons to feel sorry for myself. The biggest one is my physical disability: I was born deaf. I could not speak until I was seven years old, when my parents sent me to a special elementary school for handicapped people.
3 Life Hacks From Moses's Life

3 Life Hacks from Moses’ Life

Have you ever been asked to do something you didn’t want to do? Was it because you were afraid and felt it was beyond your capabilities, or because there were too many restrictions?

The Prodigal Son’s Father

The story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-31) is a familiar one. Its three main characters could be the stars of a TV series: The rich patriarch, his elder son, and his youngest—the wild child. We know how it goes: The wild child takes off with his plentiful inheritance to enjoy life.
Man alone in field with galaxy

A Dummy’s Guide to Facing the Apocalypse

Apocalypse. The word conjures many scenarios, with the most popular ones involving zombies and nukes. Sorry, zombie fans, we’re not talking about that kind of apocalypse.

3 Reasons Why Christians Need to be Hearing the Gospel—Again

“Good morning! This is the gospel, it’s free,” the middle-aged man said brightly as he extended a tract titled “If Only” to the lady walking ahead of me. When she shook her head, he turned to me and offered the same tract.
Jeremiah 17:9 - Fasting with a pure heart can honor and glorify god

Why I’m Fasting for the First Time

“Do you love God more than you love sugar?” A small voice in my head asked. I wavered, and was struck by the fact that I actually hesitated. We all have our coping mechanisms in times of stress and pressure.

Why I Look Forward to Heaven

Stories have been a part of my life since I was a kid. Before I could read, my grandpa and my mum used to read them to me. When I was old enough to read on my own, I would be found in the company of books for hours.

How I Dealt With The Loss of a Loved One

How do you remember a loved one who has passed away? For some, it could be through their daily conversations as they recall fond memories, while for others, it could be through mementos such as photographs.

The Darkest Day of My Life

Darkness. We encounter it every day—when we sleep, when night falls, or when we simply close our eyes. Yet, there’s something about darkness that we dread. It speaks of the unknown, it engulfs us, and it grips us with fear.