The Introverted Christian
My mouth was dry like the Mojave Desert. My thoughts were tired…
The Memoirs of a Bullied Kid
If you’re being bullied, I would like to say that I could understand your pain to some degree. But I would also like to apologize on behalf of those who tormented you.
With(out) Meaning and Purpose
Like the Teacher, I’m sure that we, at some point in time, have found life meaningless too. We have tried to make sense of the way this world works,
Certainty in Uncertainty
If you had asked me a year ago what I would be doing in the present day, I would probably shrug my shoulders and give you an ambiguous answer,
Call To Commitment: Wise vs Foolish Man
In Singapore, students have many privileges: concessionary bus passes and special prices for movies, food etc.. As I’ve learnt, you might even get discounts at shops located near your schools.
Call To Commitment: Obedience vs Disobedience
Ask most Christian youth out over the weekends and you’ll likely get rejected. “Sorry I’m not free. I have youth fellowship on Saturday, church on Sunday and cell group after church.