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bear holding a coffee mug - 5 Verses to Help You Navigate a “New Normal”

5 Verses to Help You Navigate a “New Normal”

Now, just as many of us are finally getting used to things, transition is back on the horizon. Once again, it will be stressful. Overwhelming. Isolating. Traumatic. It’s exhausting to think about. But here are five verses that can help us as we prepare for another “new normal.”
Girl blocking the sun with her eyes on a mountain

Don’t Worry—You Were Made For Such A Time As This

"Effective tomorrow, the entire island will be placed on a curfew. No one is to leave their homes. Any business or person breaking this new law will be fined and sentenced to one year in prison,” announced the Premier. My heart drummed. “Did he just say what I think he just said?” I thought to myself. The situation had escalated.
Parent holding the hand of their newborn baby

How God Changed the Way I Speak About My Daughter

“You’ve become a father.” I was going about my day when I seemed to hear a still, small voice say this to me. I wondered if it was God. This happened two months after my wife and I had gotten married. But since I wasn’t sure if that whisper was Him speaking to me, I pondered it in my heart.
Person on top of the mountain with their hands out wide

How Psalm 121 Speaks to COVID-19

As believers, we are called to walk in the shelter of the truth and not dance to the distressing rhythm of reality. As we all suffer to some degree or another, let’s remember the hope we have in our God, our Help, and look to Psalm 121, which calls us to behold Him for who He is.
Girl alone reading in a coffee shop

Why I’m Thankful That My Facebook Account Was Hacked

On New Year's night, I was browsing my Facebook page when I was suddenly prompted that my login session had expired and I was logged out. I tried logging in again, but my password no longer worked. When a colleague called about a strange request he received from me on Facebook Messenger, I knew immediately that my account had been hacked. My response was, “Who is the culprit!? I want him out of my account!”
cabin in the air standing on legs

3 Ways to Combat Cabin Fever

I’m an introvert, but having to stay home and not meet up with my friends or extended family over the past week has been painful. And the thought of having to go through three more weeks of this arrangement is just dreadful . . . But before cabin fever hits us all too hard, here are three things that have helped keep me sane (and loving) during this period. Perhaps you might find them helpful too.
Person with their head down on a rainy train ride

Why I’m Not Looking Forward To Easter This Year

“How are you doing with all of this?” one of my friends asked me recently. I think I told her that I was doing well, grateful to be able to work from home, and so on. But what I wish I would have said was the more honest answer: as our world continues to turn upside down, I have often felt discouraged, scared, and hopeless. Easter will not be the same this year.
Man on stage singing

Teaching Autistic Kids: When God Did the Unthinkable

It was Christmas, and we were performing a series of songs at the church café. When we finished, the crowd—an unusual mix of eager parents, curious pastors, and casual café-goers—erupted in applause. For the first time, we had successfully put up an item in a public space without any of our kids having a meltdown. But more than simply feeling relieved, I was also deeply moved because this was the first time our children publicly declared the hope of the gospel.
Girl holding a beautiful flower in her hands

To My Little Girl on International Women’s Day

Today, men and women are elevating the heroic achievements of women, and others are bringing attention to the debate on gender roles and equality. Some will say we’ve made progress, and they will be right. Others will focus on how far we have yet to go, and they will be right too.