Entries by Kelly Ng

Daryl and Gina: A Couple Called to Two Different Countries

She spent a year befriending women in the red light district of a Chinese city, hoping to be a bearer of God’s eternal light; while he served on the fringes of Thailand for four years at a shelter for needy children. 

Separately, Gina Chan and Daryl Tay had returned to Singapore in 2018, for an “involuntary break” from overseas missions, expecting to jump back into the field they each felt called to after a year at the Singapore Bible College (SBC). 

But God had other plans.

Mya Ji: The 5-Year-Old Who Raised $8,500 for COVID-Hit Migrant Workers

When she saw the number of COVID-19 cases spike among low-wage migrant workers in Singapore earlier this year, Mya Ji sprung to action. The five-year-old emptied her piggy bank, hoping to buy these “uncles”— as Mya fondly addresses them—some good meals and bring some cheer.

Thus sprouted the idea of a plant sale in April 2020.

When Strangers Opened Up Their Home to Me

“Why are you still looking for housing options? I’ve told you that you can come stay with us. We have a room for you,” Cheu said.

This gentle rebuke has stuck with me for a while—even after I’ve wrapped up my five-month stay at her family’s apartment in New York, and now returned home to Singapore—as a reminder of such ordinary, yet radical, hospitality.