Tag Archive for: YMI series

5 Steps to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone | YMI
Most of us love being in our “comfort zone”—the default place we go to “minimise stress and anxiety”. It’s familiar and safe—but if we stay there too long, over time we become lazy, complacent, and inflexible. And most importantly, it could give us a false sense of security and hinder us from growing in trust and obedience to God.

6 Signs Your Christianity Is Too Comfortable
Has your relationship with God become more like a once-a-week date, same time same place, with a 10-to-15-minute check-in every other day—at best?
Does Christianity still define us, or have we redefined Christianity to suit us?

4 Better Questions to Ask When Making Decisions
How do we navigate the mountain of decisions before us daily and not be paralysed into inaction? As believers, is there a better way to make decisions? What are the biggest considerations we need to be mindful of?
Here are four useful questions we can ask ourselves through the decision-making process.

5 Things to Do with Doubt Besides Ignore It
Have you ever questioned your faith? From theological ponderings—how exactly did God create the world? To emotional doubts—does God really love me?
What do we do about these questions? Do we shove them aside, hoping if we deprive them of our attention, they’ll stop threatening the firm foundation we thought we had?