YMI series

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Tag Archive for: YMI series

Two egg men are watching their drama in front of the classic cinema

What We’re Really Looking For in Entertainment

It’s been a long day, so you get home (or off your work desk) and the first thing you do is plop onto the couch and reach for the remote (hey, that’s us too, no judgement).
A man is slowly sipping his tea and ask God to wait for him to finish.

6 Signs We’re Settling in Our Relationship with God

We often tell ourselves and each other not to “settle” when it comes to our relationships, career, or the things we want in life. But what about when it comes to our relationship with God? Is that where we’ve decided that where we’re at now is “good enough”? 
A hand is going to reveal the playing card

4 False Views We Have About God

Fill in the blanks. God is _____. Hmm . . .  perhaps we aren’t sure and our mind has drawn a blank.
text with icons and doodles

How to Be at Peace When You Have Not Achieved Your Goals

What has this year been like for you? Were you able to do all that you had set out to accomplish?
A doggie is helping a woman to carry her bag

3 Faulty Thoughts that Make it Hard to Ask for Help

Perhaps you’re a pro when it comes to helping others. Yet there have been times when you have needed help, but you can’t bring yourself to ask because you don’t want to impose. 
A man hiding behind the newspaper

3 Reasons We Find it Hard to Help

In an ideal world, we can be found with our sleeves rolled up, giving the community hall a good lick of paint. Or a friend popping by with our favourite meals when we’re sick.    Yet, when it comes to carrying those actions out in our own lives, sometimes it’s not quite as easy as we imagine it to be . . .  
A man feel angry

3 Reasons We Procrastinate (and How We Can Overcome It)

We all have moments of procrastination. We live in a world marred by sin, so we all inevitably have to do things we don’t enjoy doing or find hard to do. Even so, many of us probably wish that we didn’t procrastinate so much! But before we can think about how to overcome it, we need to first understand why we do it.
The man is sleeping while zoom

4 Myths We Hold Onto in Our Everyday Relationships

Whether it’s “family comes first”, or “a friend in need is a friend indeed”, there are certain relationship myths we all hold onto that significantly shape the way we relate to others—how we treat them, how much time and effort we give to them, what we expect of them. 

How To Give and Receive Feedback With Grace

None of us like being criticised, and it’s easy to become defensive whenever we receive any feedback that’s remotely negative. Instead of hearing the other person out, our instinct may be to immediately respond with our reason for doing things a certain way.