Soo Yi

Learn more about Soo Yi and check out Soo Yi’s contributions to YMI over the years.

Tag Archive for: Soo Yi

Woman with glasses looking at the sky

Seeing Christmas in a New Light

My all-time favorite occasion is Christmas. Why, you may ask? Well, which other occasion can match up to the myriad of activities?

A Letter to SHINee’s Jonghyun: What If There was Hope?

I was in disbelief when I first heard the news that you took your own life. I didn’t believe it was real. I thought it was a hoax, a sick prank someone had played. I couldn’t believe someone as jovial and happy-go-lucky as you would ever commit suicide.

My Awful Baptism Story

Holding a sunflower stalk, I waited at the foot of the stage. That day, my cell group member was getting baptized.
Man side-eye looking at the girl next to him

“Me Before You”: Is Dying Ever Justified?

Some time ago, one movie caught my attention. It was the romantic film, “Me Before You”. I first saw the trailer on Facebook, and was particularly intrigued by the scene where the male lead tells the female lead,

Can I Be A Christian K-Pop Fan?

In 2007, a friend of mine introduced me to the world of K-Pop and it changed my life—I was in my third year in high school then. I bought into everything about K-Pop:

Are there Real Friendships in this World?

Whom will you call a friend? Is it just someone you can have a meal and watch movies with? Or is it someone you can chat and gossip with? What kind of person is he or she? We often describe a true friend as someone who will stick with us through thick and thin, who values us, and who won’t hurt or betray us.